Health and Healthy Lifestyle How to stay healthy Healthy food Unhealthy food Sport for health A visit to doctor´s Specialists Cold/runny nose/ flu Car accident
What should people do to stay healthy? Health is the most important thing we have. The best way to stay fit and healthy is to lead healthy lifestyle.
What should people do to stay healthy? To be healthy, we should: eat a balanced diet drink enough water practise some sport or physical activity get enough sleep have balanced work and leisure time avoid stress
What shouldn´t people do to stay healthy? To be healthy, we shouldn´t: smoke drink much alcohol overeat work long hours
What kind of food is healthy? Healthy diet is part of our healthy life. We need to eat the right food in the right quantity. Healthy food includes: Proteins Vitamins Minerals Fibre Trace elements
What kind of food is unhealthy? Unhealthy food contains a lot of calories. Unhealthy food is: fatty salty high in added sugar low in fibre (French fries, potato chips, cakes or cookies)
Why is it important to do any sport? We can regenerate our health by practising sports. Sport helps us to keep our bodies in a good physical and mental condition. To feel better, look better, lose fat and be healthier should be a great motivation for everybody.
What happens when you are ill and you go to doctor´s? If we feel unwell, we should see a doctor. The doctor: asks what is the trouble wants to know where we feel pain examines us checks our blood pressure, takes our pulse takes the blood count says the diagnosis prescribes a medicine
What happens when you are ill and you go to doctor´s? We have to go to the hospital if the situation is serious, for example in the case of: heart attack appendicitis broken arm or leg pneumonia leukaemia diabetes cancer
Do you know any specialists? An optometrist - checks our eyes and prescribes glasses A surgeon - operates on us A paediatrician - a doctor for children A dermatologist - for problems with skin A dentist - for a regular check-up or if we have a toothache
What would you recommend to someone who has a cold/running nose/flu? A cold, runny nose or flu are very common illnesses. We should: stay in a bed drink a lot of herbal tea take some aspirin and vitamins after a week or two we feel well again.
What would you recommend to someone who has flu? Flu is quite a serious disease. You can have a high temperature and feel very bad. It is necessary to: stay in bed and have a rest drink a lot of herbal tea take some pills, drops and vitamins if this doesn't help, you must see a doctor
If you saw a car accident, what would you do? In the case of accident it is necessary to provide first aid. We should: make sure we are safe (put on safety jacket, use warning triangle) check the victims for injuries, but DO NOT move them make sure if pulse is present and person is breathing if not, start resuscitation stop strong bleeding (wear gloves!!!) put injured person into recovery position call emergency (the number is 155 or 112).