Why do we see such commonalities amongst storylines and characters? Discuss the similarities between Cinderella and Snow White or the similarities between Batman and Spiderman. What events happen in each story that make them similar? Why do we see such commonalities amongst storylines and characters?
ARCHETYPES IN LITERATURE “There are only two or three human stories, and they go on repeating themselves as fiercely as if they had never happened before.” ~Willa Cather
Archetype A pattern that appears in literature across cultures and is repeated through the ages. An archetype can be a character, a plot/theme, and/or symbol/number. For example, the audience sees the hero’s quest as an archetypal plotline in myths and legends from different cultures around the world…The Odyssey, Lord of the Rings, Indiana Jones, The Princess Bride…
Origin The term "archetype" has its origins in ancient Greek. The root words are archein, which means "original or old"; and typos, which means "pattern, model or type". The combined meaning is an "original pattern" of which all other similar persons, objects, or concepts are derived, copied, modeled, or emulated. GET IT?
Jung The psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung, used the concept of archetype in his theory of the human psyche. He believed that universal, mythic characters—archetypes—reside within the collective unconscious of people all over the world! Archetypes represent fundamental human motifs (pattern or domainate idea/feature) of our experience as we evolved; consequentially, they evoke deep emotions. Although there are many different archetypes, Jung defined twelve primary types that symbolize basic human motivations. Each type has its own set of values, meanings and personality traits. Also, the twelve types are divided into three sets of four, namely Ego, Soul and Self. The types in each set share a common driving source, for example types within the Ego set are driven to fulfill ego-defined agendas.
Jung’s archetypes: continued These are just some of Carl Jung’s archetypes taken mostly from sci-fi and fantasy movies. Jung’s archetypes in movies
Character Archetypes
The Hero The Hero is a protagonist whose life is a series of adventures. Characterized by courage, strength, and honor, the hero will endure hardship, even risk his life for the good of all. sets the standard for leadership in a society often leaves the familiar to enter an unfamiliar and challenging world
The Mentor/ Sage The Mentor is an older, wiser teacher to the initiates. He often serves as a father or mother figure. He gives the hero gifts (weapons, food, magic, information), serves as a role model or as hero’s conscience.
The Woman Figure Damsel in Distress (the innocent)- A vulnerable woman who needs to be rescued by the hero. She is often used as a trap to ensnare the unsuspecting hero. The Temptress or Black Goddess (outlaw/lover)- Characterized by sensuous beauty, this woman is one to whom the protagonist is physically attracted and who ultimately brings about his downfall. May appear as a witch or vampire Star-Crossed Lovers (lover)- Two characters engaged in a love affair fated to end tragically for one or both due to the disapproval of society, friends, family, or some tragic situation. The Earth mother (caregiver)
More Characters… The Outcast A character banished from a social group for some real or imagined crime against his fellow man, usually destined to wander from place to place. The Scapegoat (innocent) An animal, or more usually a human, whose death in a public ceremony expiates some taint or sin of a community. They are often more powerful in death than in life. The Faithful Companion (everyman or jester) The Christ-like figure (Savior) (innocent)
More Characters… The Devil Figure (outlaw)- This character is evil incarnate (embodied). The Evil Figure with Ultimately Good Heart- A devil figure with the potential to be good. This person is usually saved by the love of the hero. The Trickster (jester) The Mad Scientist (outlaw/ explorer/ creator/magician)
Themes/ Situations
Archetypal Themes/ Situations… good vs. evil Quest for identity Quest for love Quest for a better city/land misfit in society interpretation of dreams dead returning to life or advising the living Death/rebirth Chaos Creation Flood/ punishment Nature v. mechanical world
Symbols Remember-- An archetype is always symbolic, but a symbol is NOT always an archetype!
Seasons Spring, the time of planting and growth is related in the imagination to youth, hope, courtship and love, rebirth Summer, a time of ripening, is related to the maturing of relations, to comradeship and community, to fertility and passion, life Fall, the time of harvest, is related to reflection and declining vigor, death/dying Winter, when the earth seems sterile, is related to death and emptiness, without life/death
Water Water: birth-death-resurrection; source of life; purification and redemption; fertility and growth, beginning and end of all, eternity, baptism, time Flood- drowning and dissolving death (dangerous energy when it overflows) Sea/ocean: the mother of all life; spiritual mystery; death and/or rebirth; timelessness and eternity. Rivers: death and rebirth; the flowing of time into eternity; transitional phases of the life cycle
Sun Sun (fire and sky are closely related)- creative energy; thinking, enlightenment, wisdom, spiritual vision. Rising sun- birth, creation, enlightenment. Setting sun- death.
Colors Red: blood, sacrifice, passion, disorder, violence, love, hell, danger Green: growth, hope, fertility Blue: highly positive; secure; tranquil; spiritual purity, reflection [contemporary- truth, fidelity] Black: darkness, mystery, the unknown, death, wisdom, evil, mourning, lack of consciousness White: light, purity, innocence, timelessness, truth, transformation (whitening ashes); [negative: death, terror, supernatural] Yellow: enlightenment, wisdom, intuition [contemporary- cowardice]
Numbers 3 - light, spiritual awareness, unity (the Holy Trinity) 4 - associated with the circle, life cycle, four seasons; earth, nature, elements 7 - the most powerful of all symbolic numbers signifying the union of three and four, the completion of a cycle, perfect order, perfect number; religious symbol
More Symbolic Archetypes… Garden: paradise (Eden), innocence, unspoiled beauty, fertility Tree: denotes life of the cosmos; growth; proliferation; symbol of immortality; phallic symbol Desert: spiritual emptiness; death; hopelessness Serpent (snake, worm): symbol of energy and pure force; evil, corruption, sensuality, destruction and wisdom Light vs. Darkness Water vs. Desert Innate wisdom vs. Educated stupidity
What archetypes do you see? Shrek Rudy Romeo and Juliet The Lion King Harry Potter Independence Day
Archetypes in Fairy Tales Step 1: As you read the fairy tales, highlight/note any key information on notebook paper. Step 2: Draw and complete the chart below identifying the archetypes present. Step 3: Present findings to the class. Archetype Explanation of Representation within Story