Chapter 11 The First World War
Section 1 World War 1 Begins Causes of WW1 Nationalism Imperialism Militarism Alliance System Allies and Central Powers
An Assassination Leads to War Archduke Franz Ferdinand The Fighting Starts No mans land Trench warfare
Americans Question Neutrality Divided Loyalties War Hits home The British Blockade German U-Boat Response Lusitania The 1916 Election
The United States Declares War German Provocation Zimmermann Notes America Acts
Section 2 American Power Tips the Balance America Mobilizes Raising and Army Selective Service Act Mass Production
America Turns the Tide Convoy system Fighting in Europe
Fighting “Over There” New Weapons American Expeditionary Force General John J. Pershing New Weapons
The War Introduces New Hazards American Troops go on the Offensive American War Hero Alvin York Conscientious objector The Collapse of Germany Armistice Final Tolls
Section 3 The War at Home Congress Gives power to Wilson War Industries Board Bernard M. Baruch
War Economy Food Administration
Selling the War War Financing Committee on Public Information Propaganda George Creel
Attacks on Civil Liberties Increase Anti-Immigrant Hysteria Espionage and Sedition Acts
The War Encourages Social Change African Americans and the War The Great Migration Woman in the War The Flu Epidemic
Section 4: Wilson Fights for Peace Wilson’s Fourteen Points Three Groups: 1. 2. 3. Big Four Meet – Reject Plan Exception –
Treaty of Versailles New Nations - Sanctions against Germany: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Opposition to the Treaty Debate over the League of Nations Weaknesses of Treaty 1. 2. 3. Opposition to the Treaty Debate over the League of Nations U.S. never joins Legacy of the War Foundation set for WWII Isolationism