Advertising Marketing 1
Advertising A paid form of communication delivered to the consumers by a product maker or seller.
Effective advertising has 4 components AIDA: Attraction – the ad catches the attention of the intended consumer Interest – the ad holds the interest of the consumer long enough to present the message Desire – the ad’s message makes the consumer want the product Action – the consumer is motivated to buy the product
Advertising: Main Goals Aligned with components: Draw attention Create awareness Build enthusiasm Drive demand
What is an Advertising Campaign? Advertising campaigns are a group of: Advertisements Commercials Related Promotional Material Activities designed as part of a coordinated plan to meet specific goals.
Components of Ad Campaign Determine theme Identify the target audience Determine objectives Establish the budget Develop the message Select the media Evaluate the campaign
Olympic Ad Campaign Video Toyota: Under Armor:
Olympic Sponsors Panasonic Samsung Toyota Dow Omega Coke Proctor & Gamble VISA Intel Bridgestone Panasonic Samsung Toyota Dow Omega
Project: Olympic Ad Campaign (ANY year) Work with a partner or individually Choose a high profile Olympic ad campaign (ANY year) – see examples Research the campaign Prepare a PPT presentation which includes: Company Campaign Theme History (dates) Cost of Campaign Other promotional items used during the campaign Include Pictures/Videos Coke Proctor & Gamble VISA Intel Bridgestone Panasonic Samsung Toyota Dow Omega