Early detection of multiple myeloma in primary care using blood tests: a case–control study in primary care by Constantinos Koshiaris, Ann Van den Bruel, Jason L Oke, Brian D Nicholson, Elizabeth Shephard, Mick Braddick, and William Hamilton BJGP Volume 68(674):e586-e593 August 30, 2018 ©2018 by British Journal of General Practice
Haemoglobin, mean corpuscular volume, calcium, and creatinine trajectories up to 5 years before diagnosis. Haemoglobin, mean corpuscular volume, calcium, and creatinine trajectories up to 5 years before diagnosis. Time before diagnosis is split into 90-day intervals and the mean test value for each group is displayed with a 95% confidence interval. Constantinos Koshiaris et al. Br J Gen Pract 2018;68:e586-e593 ©2018 by British Journal of General Practice
Inflammatory marker trajectories up to 5 years before diagnosis. Inflammatory marker trajectories up to 5 years before diagnosis. Time before diagnosis is split into 90-day intervals and the mean test value is displayed for cases and controls with a 95% confidence interval. Constantinos Koshiaris et al. Br J Gen Pract 2018;68:e586-e593 ©2018 by British Journal of General Practice