DG Environment, Unit D.2 Marine Environment and Water Industry March 2013 Marine Strategy Framework Directive: Status of transposition and reporting European Commission DG Environment Marine Environment and Water Industry Unit Marine Directors 5 December 2013, Vilnius 1
DG Environment, Unit D.2 Marine Environment and Water Industry Transposition conformity check (Art. 26) March 2013 Status at 2 December 2013 State of conformity study Belgium Bulgaria ongoing Croatia Cyprus Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Ireland Italy State of conformity study Latvia Lithuania ongoing Malta Netherlands Poland Portugal Romania Slovenia Spain Sweden UK Main message: Conformity checking on transposition has been done by batch, taking group of country after group of country, For some countries, in orange, the conformity check is available, for others, in white, the conformity study will become available in 2013 For those country in orange > the commission has been in touch with you bilaterally in order to clarify pending questions, we are aware a number of the countries in orange are currently taking action to resolve the problems - countries in green: the assessment has been done, and there is no more problem, Complete OK Under discussion Ongoing study 2 2
DG Environment, Unit D.2 Marine Environment and Water Industry MSFD Scoreboard DG Environment, Unit D.2 Marine Environment and Water Industry March 2013 http://ec.europa.eu/environment/marine/eu-coast-and-marine-policy/implementation/scoreboard_en.htm Status at 28 Nov. 2013 Art. 26 Art. 7 Art. 8/ 9/10 Belgium Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Ireland Italy Art. 26 Art. 7 Art. 8/ 9/10 Latvia Lithuania Malta Netherlands Poland Portugal Romania Slovenia Spain Sweden UK Received Part received Not received 3 3