M&E Report: Department of Communications Presentation of report to the Portfolio Committee on Communications 25 May 2010
Presentation outline Background and purpose Presentation of Findings Way forward
Background The SA Constitution lists 9 basic values and principles that should govern public administration The PSC’s M & E System looks at the extent to which public service departments comply with these principles
Rating System Score description Score % Excellent performance against all the standards 4,25 – 5,00 81 - 100% Good performance against most of the standards 3,25 – 4,00 61% - 80% Adequate performance against several of the standards 2,25 – 3,00 41% - 60% Poor performance against most of the standards 1,25 – 2,00 21% - 40% No performance against all the standards 0,25 - 1,00 0% - 20%
Results Principle 2009/10 Total Score % Professional Ethics 3,00 60% Efficiency, Economy and Effectiveness 0,50 10% Development-Orientated Public Administration 0,00 0% Impartiality and Fairness 5,00 100% Public Participation in Policy-making 2,00 40% Accountability 3,25 65% Transparency 1,50 30% Good Human Resource and Career Management Representivity 1,00 20% Total out of 45 17.75 39% Average 1,97 The Department’s average performance is 39%, which is poor performance against most of the standards.
Results Strengths The Department achieved a performance rating of excellent and good against the following two principles in the 2009/10 evaluation period: Principle Performance Principle 4: Impartiality and Fairness Excellent performance (100%) Principle 6: Accountability Good performance (65%) Principle 1: Ethics Adequate performance (60%)
Results Weaknesses The performance in the remaining six principles varies between no performance and poor performance: Principle Performance Principle 5: Public participation in policy-making Poor performance (40%) Principle 7: Transparency Poor performance (30%) Principle 8: Good Human Resource Management and Career Development Practices Principle 9: Representivity No performance (20%) Principle 2: Efficiency, economy and effectiveness No performance (10%) Principle 3: Development-Oriented Public Administration No information submitted
Recommendations The PSC made 24 recommendations in this report against the principles as indicated below, that need to be implemented within specific time frames The PSC will do a follow-up on the progress made with the implementation of these recommendations within six months of delivery of this Report Principle 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Total Recommendations - 24 % of total 4% 17% 13% 8% 21% 100%
Principle 1: Professional Ethics Score 2009/10: 3,00/5,00 (60%) = Adequate performance against several of the standards Areas of good practice The Department developed a policy on the handling of cases of misconduct which is aligned with PSCBC Resolution No. 2 of 1999, as amended All of the four managers interviewed had a working knowledge of the system on the management of cases of misconduct and its requirements It takes the Department an average of 13 working days to finalise a case of misconduct. This is within the prescribed 20-80 working days Training on the management of cases of misconduct was conducted in the Department. Areas for improvement The Department failed to submit evidence of management’s capacity to handle cases of misconduct; and To prove that management reporting on the finalisation of cases of misconduct takes place
Principle 2: Efficiency, Economy and Effectiveness Score 2009/10: 0,50/5,00 (10%) = No performance Area of good practice Under-expenditure constitutes 0.7% of the amount voted during the 2007/08 financial year, which falls within the generally accepted margin of 2% set by National Treasury Areas for improvement 48% of performance indicators were measurable in terms of quantity and time dimensions. The Performance Indicators were not always stated in quantifiable terms and the relationship with the output not always clear to the lay reader. It was also difficult to link the performance reports with the pre-determined outputs, indicators and targets in the strategic plan. The Department achieved only 2% of its planned outputs within the stipulated timeframes. The low achievement is because no achievement information was provided against 66% of the planned outputs. The performance against these outputs could, therefore, not be validated
Principle 3: Development-Oriented Public Administration Score 2009/10: 0,00/5,00 (0%) = No performance against all the standards The performance against this principle could not be assessed, because the Department failed to submit the necessary information for assessment despite numerous requests to do so
Principle 4: Impartiality and Fairness Score 2009/10: 5,00/5,00 (100%) = Excellent performance against all the standards Areas of good practice All the four sampled decisions were taken in terms of delegation of authority and by duly authorised authority All decision taken were justified and fair considering the evidence submitted in this regard All decisions were clearly communicated with adequate notice of the right to appeal or review or request reasons for decisions. Opportunities to make representation before action is taken were given in all the cases
Principle 5: Public Participation in Policy-making Score 2009/10: 2,00/5,00 (40%) = Poor performance against most of the standards Areas for improvement The Department does not have a policy/guideline on public participation in place The Department has a system to obtain inputs in its policy-making process. However, this process should be formalised as a policy document /guideline. The extent to which public comments are formally responded to could not be assessed. The Department failed to submit the necessary evidence.
Principle 6: Accountability Score 2009/10: 3,25/5,00 (65%) = Good performance agents several of the standards Areas of good practice The Department has over the past 15 years received unqualified audits The Department utilises, amongst others, quarterly reports for monitoring performance. The BAS, Persal and LOGIS transversal systems are utilised to monitor the Department’s finances, personnel and supply chain management. The Department has a Risk and Fraud Prevention Policy in place. Evidence was provided that risk assessment has been conducted The Department does have a Fraud Prevention Plan in place which complies with seven (54%) of the 13 requirements set by the PSC’s Transversal M&E System Area for improvement The Department does not have sufficient capacity to manage cases of fraud
Principle 7: Transparency Score 2009/10: 1,50/5,00 (30%) = Poor performance against most of the standards Areas for improvement The content of the AR covers in sufficient detail 74% of the areas prescribed by National Treasury and the Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA), which is less than the standard of 90% set by the PSC’s Transversal M&E System The Department appointed one officer in writing in terms of section 17 of the PAIA of 2000 with duly delegated authority to deal with request for access to information. The Department’s draft manual on access to information has not been approved for the past 3 years
Principle 8: Good Human Resource Management and Career Development Score 2009/10: 1,50/5,00 (30%) = Poor performance against most of the standards Areas of good practice The Department has a Policy on Recruitment. The Department has a Workplace Skills Plan for the 2008/09 financial year Areas for improvement It takes the Department an average of 31 weeks to fill a vacant post. This is far beyond the standard of 12 weeks (90 days) set by the PSC’s Transversal M&E System No evidence was provided by the Department that regular management reporting on recruitment is done. This is concerning given the long time it takes to fill vacant posts in the Department The Workplace Skills Plan is not based on a thorough skills needs analysis Very little correlation exists between the number of courses planned and the actual courses attended by employees The impact of courses on service delivery was never assessed
Actual at the end of July 2009 Principle 9 Score 2009/10: 1,00/5,00 (20%) = No performance against most of the standards Areas for improvement The Department’s draft Employment Equity Policy and Plan do not fully comply with the requirements of Sections 1 and 20 of the Employment Equity Act 66% of the national representivity targets have been met as follows: Management reporting on representivity is done, but the reports do not have clear time frames and remedial steps to improve representivity in the Department The Department has implemented only two (or 9%) of the 23 good diversity measures suggested by the PSC’s M&E system Reprensentivity target Actual at the end of July 2009 75% Blacks @ senior management 84% 50% Women at SMS 47% 2% people with disabilities 2%
Way forward The Department is expected to implement recommendations within the set timeframes The PSC will engage the Department to assess the extent to which the recommendations have been implemented Report forms part of SOPS and consolidated reports that are submitted to Parliament
We will take questions for clarity Conclusion Thank you We will take questions for clarity