Welcome to The following slide show is presented (before and after service) to invite you to our upcoming Church activities!
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Fair Oaks UMC Sanctuary In Remembrance Virginia Grabbe Memorial Service Sun., Feb. 3, 5 pm Fair Oaks UMC Sanctuary 4
Communion for the Homebound Contact: Church Office 1st Sunday of every month Contact: Church Office 5
Caring Ministry 1st and 3rd Mondays February 4 and 18 6:00 pm, Library Life’s Challenges Support Group For Men and Women 1st and 3rd Mondays February 4 and 18 6:00 pm, Library Contact: Loretta Dodge 6
Contact: Gloria Phinney, Betty Steinbach Pinochle Friday Feb. 8 6:30 pm Sanctuary Contact: Gloria Phinney, Betty Steinbach 7
February Acorn Available Acorn Newsletter February Acorn Available Narthex & Online www.FairOaksUMC.org March Acorn Deadline Wednesday, February 20, 9 am 8
A Way Forward Q&A Session Contact: Eliseo Paniagua Rainbow Methodists A Way Forward Q&A Session at St. Mark’s UMC Feb. 16, 6 pm Contact: Eliseo Paniagua 9
Chili Feed & Cake Auction & Plan Your Funeral Night February 23 Endowment Ministry Chili Feed & Cake Auction & Plan Your Funeral Night February 23 10
February 23 Endowment Ministry Planning Your Own Funeral (after chili is eaten & cake is auctioned…) Contact: Pastor Kim, Church Office 11
Worship Ministry Lenten Soup Suppers Begin Thursday, March 14 Contact: Kathy Glass 12
Lenten Book Study Worship Ministry Sign-ups coming soon… Contact: Kathy Glass 13
Little Methodist School Barnes & Noble Book Fair February 25 – March 8
Young Adults 2nd & 4th Mondays at 7 pm in the Library All 18- to 30-year-olds welcome! Contacts: Sydney Moore, Eliseo Paniagua 15
Home Study Guides located on Narthex Bulletin Board Adult Education Sunday Mornings at 9 am Church Library Home Study Guides located on Narthex Bulletin Board Contact: Loren Guffey 16
Outreach Ministry Tarps and Seasonal Support for the Homeless Tarps and Monetary Donations gratefully accepted. Contacts: Paris Wicker, Terri Himes 17
Outreach Ministry Food Drive Sundays: 1st Sunday of the month 18
Downtown Ministries Collection Jar Contact: Karlene Brown Outreach Ministry Downtown Ministries Collection Jar In the Narthex on the 1st Sunday of each month Contact: Karlene Brown 19
Worship Ministry Participate in worship! Sign-up clipboard in the Narthex. Flowers, Liturgists, Communion Servers, Greeters, Offering Stewards Contact: Church Office 20
Music Director Eliseo Paniagua Music Ministry Chancel Chime Rehearsals weekly on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm in the Sanctuary Contact: Music Director Eliseo Paniagua 21
Chancel Choir Rehearsals Music Ministry Chancel Choir Rehearsals weekly on Wednesdays at 7:30 pm in the Sanctuary Contact: Eliseo Paniagua 22
UMC...Volunteers in Mission Mission Trip to Japan March 5-19, 2019 Flyers on Hall Bulletin Board. 23
TUESDAY: Trustees, Spencer, 7:00 pm Ministry Meetings TUESDAY: Trustees, Spencer, 7:00 pm NEXT SUNDAY: Worship, Spencer, 11:15 am 24
Mark Your Calendar for Upcoming Events… Looking Ahead Mark Your Calendar for Upcoming Events… 02/10 Boy Scout Sunday 02/16 The Way Forward Q&A, St. Mark’s UMC, 6 pm 02/18 Presidents’ Day. Church office closed. 02/23 Endowment Chili Dinner/Cake Auction/ Plan Your Funeral Night, 5:30 pm 02/23 - 02/26 Special Conference in St. Louis, “A Way Forward” 25
Mark Your Calendar for Upcoming Events… Looking Ahead Mark Your Calendar for Upcoming Events… 02/25 - 03/08 Little Methodist School Barnes & Noble Book Fair 03/06 Ash Wednesday 03/10 1st Sunday of Lent 03/10 Daylight Saving Time begins, Spring Forward 1 hour 03/14 Lenten Soup Suppers begin 03/17 Choir Festival in Stockton (tentative) 03/26 Little Methodist School Habit Burger Fundraiser, 4-9 pm 04/14 Palm Sunday 04/18 Maundy Thursday 04/19 Good Friday 04/21 Easter Sunday 04/22 Easter Monday. Church Office closed. 05/11 Spring Concert, 7 pm 05/12 Mother’s Day 05/14 New Photo Directory Sessions 05/24 Little Methodist School Last Day 05/27 Memorial Day. Church Office closed. 06/09 Pentecost Sunday 06/16 Father’s Day 06/16 Outdoor Service 06/18 - 06/22 Annual Conference in Modesto, CA 07/04 Independence Day. Church office closed. 07/13 Red White Blue BBQ & Pie Auction, 5:30 pm 09/02 Labor Day. Church office closed. 10/06 World Communion Sunday 11/03 All Saints Sunday 11/03 Daylight Saving Time ends. Fall Back 1 hour. 11/28 Thanksgiving Day. Church office closed. 12/01 1st Sunday of Advent 12/24 Christmas Eve 12/25 Christmas Day. Church office closed. 12/31 Tongan Ministry Watch Night service. 2020 General Conference, TBA 26