“The Ocean of Tomorrow”


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Presentation transcript:

“The Ocean of Tomorrow” Projects 2010-2012 Good Environmental Status Working Group, 27-28 September 2011 Ariana NASTASEANU DG Research and Innovation

“The Ocean of Tomorrow” To implement the European Strategy for Marine and Maritime Research COM (2008)534 Highlights the importance of integration between established marine and maritime research disciplines in order to reinforce excellence in science, Announces the launching in 2009 - 2010 of cross-thematic joint calls under FP7 on major research topics requiring a cross-thematic approach. The Competitiveness Council - December 2008 Welcomed the Commission Communication, Highlighted the relevance of the joints calls on marine and maritime science across several themes of FP7. To support the Europe 2020 strategy To support the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (2008/56/EC) and other relevant EU Policies (Common Fishery Policy , Integrated Maritime Policy)

“The Ocean of Tomorrow” "The Ocean of Tomorrow" seeks to foster multi-disciplinary research and promote a cross-sectoral approach between FP7 thematic areas such as food, energy, environment, and transport. It offers the opportunity to bring together a large array of experts (including scientist, NGOs and industry) from different areas on projects that integrate various marine research disciplines.

“The Ocean of Tomorrow” WP Ocean call Involved directorates Advancement 2010 Joint Call 34 million € Dir I, Dir H, Dir E, Dir K, Dir L Three ongoing projects: - ACCESS - VECTORS - ECO2 2011 45 million € Dir I,Dir K,Dir H, Dir E 6 projects under negotiation 2012 Coordinated Topics 42 million € Call open – closing date for submission of projects: 15 November 2011

“The Ocean of Tomorrow” 2010 OCEAN.2010-1/ Quantification of climate change impacts on economic sectors in the Arctic (11 M€) - ACCESS OCEAN.2010-2/ Vectors of changes in marine life, impact on economic sectors (12,5 M€) - VECTORS OCEAN.2010-3/ Sub-seabed carbon storage and the marine environment (10,5 M€) – ECO2

“The Ocean of Tomorrow” 2011 OCEAN.2011-1/ Multi-use of offshore platforms (14 M€) TROPOS, H2OCEAN, MERMAID OCEAN.2011-2/ Marine microbial diversity – new insights into marine ecosystems functioning and its biotechnological potential (9 M€) MICROB3 OCEAN.2011-3/ Assessing and predicting the combined effects of natural and human-made pressures in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea in view of their better governance (13 M€) PERSEUS OCEAN.2011-3/ Knowledge-base and tools for regional networks of MPAs, integrated management of activities together with assessment of wind energy potential in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea (9 M€) COCONET

“The Ocean of Tomorrow” 2012 The strategy for 2012 was to opt for a lighter mechanism i.e. « coordinated topics ». « The Ocean of Tomorrow 2012 » topics are under the umbrella of « Good Environmental Status » « Coordinated topics » are ordinary topics i.e, not in a separate « call for proposals ». Each topic belongs and follows obligations of respective thematic work programme (KBBE, ENV, SST…) However, they all contribute to one single goal: research in support to the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Upstream coordination between DG Research & Innovation services, DG ENV and DG MARE for designing the topics

“The Ocean of Tomorrow” 2012 KBBE.2012.1.2-9: Integrating the role of marine benthic ecosystems in fisheries management (6 M€) KBBE.2012.1.2-12: Providing molecular tools for assessing and monitoring the potential genetic impact of aquaculture on native populations (3 M€) KBBE.2012.2.4-01: Contaminants in seafood and their impact on public health (4 M€) KBBE.2012.3.5-01: Innovative biotechnologies for tackling oil spill disasters (9 M€) KBBE.2012.3.5-02: Biotechnological solutions for the degradation of synthetic polymeric materials (3 M€)

Energy.2012.10.2.1: Study of the environmental impacts of noise, vibrations and electromagnetic emissions from marine renewables (1 M€) ENV.2012.6.2-3 Innovative Tools for Understanding and Integrated Assessment of Good Environmental Status (GES) of Marine Waters (9 M€) ENV.2012.6.2-4 Management and potential impacts of litter in the marine and coastal environment (3 M€) ENV.2012.6.2-5 Improve scientific knowledge base to support the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (1 M€) SST.2012.1.1-1 Assessment and mitigation of noise impacts of the maritime transport on the marine Environment (3 M€)

Horizon 2020 – Objectives and structure Europe 2020 priorities European Research Area International cooperation Shared objectives and principles Tackling Societal Challenges Health, demographic change and wellbeing Food security, sustainable agriculture and the bio-economy Secure, clean and efficient energy Smart, green and integrated transport Climate action and resource efficiency, including raw materials Inclusive, innovative and secure societies EIT and JRC will contribute to addressing these challenges Creating Industrial Leadership and Competitive Frameworks Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies ICT Nanotechnology, advanced materials, biotechnology and advanced manufacturing & processing Space Access to risk finance Innovation in SMEs Excellence in the Science Base The European Research Council (Frontier research) Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) Skills, training and career development (Marie Curie) European research infrastructures Simplified access Common rules, toolkit of funding schemes Coherent with other EU and MS actions

Horizon 2020 – Multi-Annual Financial Framework (MFF) Proposal MFF proposal was adopted on 29 June 2011 Includes an overall amount for Horizon 2020 Proposed amount: EUR 80 billion in constant 2011 prices (EUR 90 billion in current prices) 46% increase compared to current period (2007-2013) Share of research and innovation in EU Budget increases to 8.5% in 2020

Horizon 2020 Marine and maritime issues would be addressed under different challenges In the bioeconomy challenge, the overall objective is to sustainably exploit aquatic living resources to maximize social and economic benefits from Europe’s seas and oceans. Developing sustainable environmentally-friendly fisheries Developing competitive European aquaculture Boosting marine innovation throught biotechnology In the Climate Action and Resource Efficiency, including Raw Materials Challenge, the overall objective is to achieve a resource efficient and climate change resilient economy that meets the needs of a growing global population within the natural limits of a finite planet. assuring environmental integrity and enabling ecosystems and society to adapt to climate change. The implementation at the programme-level is to be considered as support multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral collaborative ocean research

CSF Horizon 2020 Road-map for Commission Proposal to Council and Parliament September 26-October 14: EC ISC November 30: Adoption by EC December 5: First Innovation Union Convention December 6: Presentation to Competitiveness Council

Need more information?  Marine and Maritime Research Strategy website: http://ec.europa.eu/research/mmrs/index_en.htm  General sources of Information on FP7: - FP7 legal, guidance documents http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/find-doc_en.html - Research Enquiry service http://ec.europa.eu/research/enquiries  Contact mailbox: RTD-OCEAN-CALL@ec.europa.eu