Starter of the day Book 1 Page 8 At the top write down answers to the following questions. Please save the bottom half of that page for your exit pass. Thanks! 1) How are things going with you project so far? 2) Is there anything that you need help with on this project?
Designing your own Jewelry Jewelry II Designing your own Jewelry
Agenda Review of last time Get right to work on your project. Get your metal today.
Last Time! We turned our photos into jewelry designs. We finished our designs in our sketchbooks and got it onto our grade. We got our sheet metal and began putting our designs onto our sheet metal. See the classroom website for more information.
Electronic device signal During this time electronic Devices are prohibited. This means cell phones should be put away Headphones should be out and down (not even around you neck). Eyes should be on the teacher not looking down unless to take a note about something.
Required Materials & Fees Students will need to bring a pencil to class daily for writing in class & daily sketches. Fees: Students are required to pay a fee for this course. $15 – for students or $7 – for students with fee waver
Raise your hand now if you have any questions… This is the time to ask questions about what we have covered. Raise your hand now if you have any questions…
Studio Time Using your images that you printed you will try the mirror design technique to design a piece of jewelry that will be of sheet metal. Make sure you have it drawn and colored in your sketchbook. Trace your design onto plain paper in sections so you know what metal will take what shape. Cut out your sections and glue them to the sheet metal. Begin cutting out your sheet metal.
Exit Pass page 8 of your sketchbook under your bell work How far are you on your design now? Have you completed some of the cutting out? Will you be ready to sweat solder by next time?