What’s the Matter - Part 1 Our target: I can engage in argument from evidence about the structure of matter by reading/annotating, discussing, and modeling. What’s the Matter - Part 1 ON YOUR OWN: Read the “What’s the Matter?” article Annotate using the 6 steps for “Talking to the Text” You have 30 minutes.
What’s the Matter - Part 2 Our target: I can engage in argument from evidence about the structure of matter by reading/annotating, discussing, and modeling. What’s the Matter - Part 2 IN YOUR GROUP: Discuss what you read about matter On your sticky notes: Green: 5 things that you know are definitely matter Blue: 5 things that you know are definitely NOT matter Orange: 5 things that you are not sure about Post your sticky notes on the class lists
What’s the matter - Part 3 Our target: I can engage in argument from evidence about the structure of matter by reading/annotating, discussing, and modeling. What’s the matter - Part 3 Place one sticky note on each question poster to show what you think the answer is. There are no right or wrong answers. Just decide what your best idea is. No writing on the sticky notes No names on the sticky notes
What’s the matter - Part 4 Our target: I can engage in argument from evidence about the structure of matter by reading/annotating, discussing, and modeling. What’s the matter - Part 4 On your last sticky note, draw a model of what you think AIR would look like if you could zoom way in. Think about: Is the air matter? Is it made of particles? Should a model of air look like a model of water? Put your name on the BACK of your sticky before you attach it to the whiteboard.