Christine COIN ESTAT-F5 Organisation of meetings (including 2015 meetings) Item 12 of the agenda Christine COIN ESTAT-F5 16-17 December 2014 Working Group Public Health
Working Group Public Health Overview of meetings 2012-2015 2012 2013 2014 2015 WG PH X TG HIS TF HIS XX TF GALI TG HC TF HC nE TF HC E TG CoD TF CoD WS CoD TG MORB TF MORB XXX WS MORB 16-17 December 2014 Working Group Public Health
Working Group Public Health For the 4 strands: Health surveys Heath care Causes of death Morbidity Which, now, do not have the same maturity Organisation of meetings is heavy Resources are being reduced How to be more efficient? 16-17 December 2014 Working Group Public Health
Working Group Public Health Proposal Agree today on: Status of Task Forces: Specific topic (development), limited in time Countries Expertise/active participation (limited number) Review in 2015 the mandates of TGs (4) and WG (approval by WG end of 2015) on the basis of the following principles: Take into account the diversity and complexity of public health statistics Take into account the expertise at national level reflected by the organisation within countries Streamline the organisation of meetings 16-17 December 2014 Working Group Public Health
Working Group Public Health 2015 TFs HC non Expenditure (2): regulation HC Expenditure (SHA) (1): SHA 2011 (mainly) EHIS (2): regulation GALI: methodology TG Causes of death (1): implementation of new regulation WG See room document for dates 16-17 December 2014 Working Group Public Health