First “Full-Physics” Reactor Simulations Show Potential of Advanced Tokamak as Basis for a Compact-AT Pilot Plant Park/Buttery FIP P3/26 (“CAT”) FASTRAN.


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Presentation transcript:

First “Full-Physics” Reactor Simulations Show Potential of Advanced Tokamak as Basis for a Compact-AT Pilot Plant Park/Buttery FIP P3/26 (“CAT”) FASTRAN self-consistent solutions with state of the art models for transport, pedestal, stability, current drive Routinely used & validated on DIII-D Apply ‘true’ Advanced Tokamak principles High b leads to 90% bootstrap, reducing need for current drive & thus recirculating power Density highly levering to bootstrap & performance Current drive efficiency & field important Leads to ~200MW net electric options at 4m & 6 – 7T Highlights science & technology research mission to enable a decision to proceed: Prove core physics, resolve transients, current drive & divertor, pursue nuclear materials & engineering   PH/CD (MW) PNET~200MWe PH/CD PNET (bN=3.5) MW FASTRAN 4m 7T fully non-inductive stationary TGLF-EPED-CD-EFIT solutions Higher density reduces CD need Higher bN raises net electric JHelicon Bootstrap JNBI r MWe Higher efficiencies raise PNET Aligned currents Cool CAT Potential to consolidate proof of principle electricity production with nuclear science & breeding development mission