Six Figure Grid References Aim: to be able to use six figure grid references to locate places on a map
Starter: Swap your exercise book with your partner Starter: Swap your exercise book with your partner. Use the description they gave to find four figure grid references. Give it 2 s and wish...
6-figure grid references The 6-figure grid reference of the church with a spire is 253 762. 2nd 2 3 1st
In what direction and over what distance will you be travelling? You live at 702 337 and need to see a friend at 681 319. In what direction and over what distance will you be travelling? How will you get there? What will you see on the way?
6-figure grid references What are the 6 figure grid references for the: picnic site? church with a tower? youth hostel? camping site?
Plenary Using six figure grid references pinpoint your house and Grangefield School on the 1:25 000 map of Stockton.