Welcome Back Basha High School Here are today’s Announcements
Benevolence Honor Scholarship Our Mission Statement Benevolence Honor Scholarship
College Financial Aid Options Attention All Seniors! Come check out your College Financial Aid Options At this CUSD sponsored Information Night!!!
Rename “The Room” Contest Basha Library’s after-school hang out space “The Room” needs a new name. If YOU can come up with the *best name ever* you win this GIANT GUMMY BEAR. He is FIVE POUNDS OF CHERRY GOODNESS! Yeeessssssss! Submit your brilliant ideas to the Library Info Desk or into the contest jar in The Room (entry slips must include name & email address) Deadline: 5:00pm, Friday, January 16th
Teen Create Space – Ben Franklin’s Birthday Come challenge your friends in games based on Franklin’s inventions. Thursday, January 15th 2:15pm – 3:15pm Basha Library Programming Room (Prizes? Of course there will be prizes! It’s a Birthday Party. Sheesh!)
The Girls Soccer Game tonight against Mesquite will be streamed LIVE!!! January 13, 2015 Go to www.Sports360az.com/CUSD-live/ and choose the Basha Stream!
Will air this Broadcast Informational Broadcast on Heroin in Arizona! Watch tonight On Channels 5, 15 or 12 At 6:30pm More than 30 Arizona TV stations Will air this Broadcast Tonight!
Tryouts will be the week of February 9th-13th from 2:30-4:30pm. Boys Volleyball informational meeting will be held in the Cafeteria on Monday January 26th at 2:45 pm. Tryouts will be the week of February 9th-13th from 2:30-4:30pm. Open gym times are coming soon
Basha Tennis Class / Athletic Locker Who: Any young man or woman interested in playing tennis at Basha High School – PRIOR EXPERIENCE IS NOT REQUIRED When: The 2015-2016 School Year during 5th Hour Class participants will receive elite physical fitness training from our excellent PE Department on Mondays and the first half of the block period on Thursdays. On Tuesdays, the second half of the block on Thursdays, and Fridays, class participants will participate in tennis drills, gain match play experience and receive instruction from Coach Johnson. Sign up for 5th Hour Athletic Locker with your counselor during registration in January to join the class.
Do you like to watch movies? Do you like to talk about movies? Hey Bears! Do you like to watch movies? Do you like to talk about movies? Do you need a Fine Arts Credit? If you answered “YES” to these Questions, sign up for the FILM STUDY class that will be Offered next school year! If you have MORE questions, see Mr. Green in Room H108 for more information! Film Study I and II are new classes offered at Basha next year and count toward your Fine Arts graduation requirement! Find out how it all began and how it has evolved here!!
so if you want to stand out, get your group dressed in the same color! Senior Panoramic Picture The Senior Panoramic Photo will be taken TOMORROW Wednesday Jan 14th during conference on the football field. This year we will be taking an aerial shot, so if you want to stand out, get your group dressed in the same color! Your English teacher has order forms if you are interested in purchasing a copy of the photo. Be here and be a part of this important moment for the class of 2015!
Every morning and During Lunches The PAH! Sign Language Club is selling Hot Chocolate with all the fixings Every morning and During Lunches $1 for plain $2 for deluxe (Marshmallows, Chocolate Sprinkles, Candy Cane – to Stir and Whipped Cream)
Help Support Our Very Own Elizabeth Sun Go on line and vote for her as the 2015 Miss Phoenix Chinese People’s Choice! www.PhoenixChineseUnited.org
Admission Prices for BHS Sports 2014-2015 Sport Adults Students with ID Student w/o ID Football Varsity $5 $3 Football JV & Freshman $2 Basketball Varsity, JV & Freshman $4 Volleyball Varsity, JV & Freshman Soccer Varsity & JV Wrestling Varsity, JV & Freshman
Chandler Christmas Parade! Basha’s Kids Helping Kids participated in Operation Santa helping two families in need and received 2nd place for their float in the Chandler Christmas Parade! #GoBears Picture of the Day!
Old News Good Information
Every Monday & Wednesday Includes Honors Classes NHS Tutoring Available Every Monday & Wednesday Room C115 - 2:20-3:20pm Includes Honors Classes English: English 9, English 10, English 11, English 12 Math: Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 Science: Investigative Science, Biology, Chemistry Social Studies: World History, AM/AZ History, & Econ/Gov’t Foreign Language: Depends on the level
When School Starts Visit Want to know what’s happening around Basha each week? When School Starts Visit www.cusd80.com/BHSinfo
To schedule yours today Tours available for Incoming and prospective AMS and BHS Students Call the Main Office To schedule yours today 480.224.2100