What is Total War? Enlists the effort and energy of everybody Citizens gather all resources for war effort
Industry Canada greatly contributed to the overall Allied effort and built guns, planes, shells, etc Women had a huge impact on the economy. They entered the workforce as most men were on the battlefield
What Would You Do? Plant a vegetable garden so you can send the vegetables overseas to help feed the soldiers Loan money to the government to help finance the war effort Work in a factory to make war materials like rifles, artillery shells, tanks, grenades, etc. Organize a fundraising event to raise money for the war (e.g. a dance, card party) Donate money to soldier’s families who were barely surviving on the income their loved one made Knitting clothing and bandages to send to the soldiers Work on a farm to help raise food production Pay a new, but temporary tax during the war to help raise money Control food and household items to try and live off less in order to send extra supplies and food overseas to the soldiers
The Details: December 6, 1917 dawned clear and sunny in Halifax. With a population of about 50,000, it was the largest city in Atlantic Canada. Before darkness fell, more than 1000 people would die, with another 1000 to follow. 9000 more would be injured in the biggest human-made explosion the world had ever seen.
Enemy Aliens Before WWI, the Canadian government had aggressively campaigned to attract immigrants from Europe. Many immigrants were from the German and Austro-Hungarian empires. Now they were feared as spies who might sabotage the war effort The government used the power of the War Measures Act to label more than 800,000 people ENEMY ALIENS – people who were from an enemy country – and restricted their rights.
Many so-called enemy had their rights seriously restricted Many so-called enemy had their rights seriously restricted. Examples are: They were forced to carry identification cards They were forced to regularly report to the authorities They were not allowed to publish or read anything in a language other than French or English They could not leave the country without permission
Internment Camps Intern means to detain somebody in confinement as being a security threat During WWI, the Canadian government interned more than 8500 people Most were German or Ukrainian