Jeopardy Final Jeopardy Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3 Topic 4 Topic 5 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 Final Jeopardy
1 - $100 What percentage of the earth’s surface do the oceans cover?
1 - $200 What tool did Challenger used to measure the ocean depths? A lead line
1 - $300 What is the most common type of material that forms a continental rise? From a sediment that comes from the adjacent continental shelf.
1 - $400 What are the flat deep-sea floors called? Abyssal plains
1 - $500 What is a long submerged mountain range at the spreading margin between tectonic plates called? Mid-ocean ridge
2 - $100 Where is the largest coral reef in the world located? Northern coast of Australia
2 - $200 Name the most abundant dissolved mineral in seawater. Sodium chloride or common table salt.
2 - $300 What is the process of removing dissolved minerals from seawater called? desalinization
2 - $400 What are the two methods used to desalinate seawater? Distillation and reverse osmosis.
2 - $500 Why does surface water have a higher concentration of dissolved oxygen than deeper water? Surface water is closer to the source of oxygen.
3 - $100 What is the primary cause of twice-daily tides around the world? Caused by gravity of the moon and its overall effect on the earth and oceans.
3 - $200 What name is given to the higher-than-usual tide formed when the sun’s and moon’s gravitational pulls work together? Spring tide
3 - $300 What causes most surface waves? Wind
3 - $400 What two kinds of currents are related to the interaction of waves with the shore? Longshore currents and rip currents
3 - $500 What mane is given to a mass of rock that has been cut off from the mainland by erosion? stack
4 - $100 True or False? A wave with a wavelength of 25m and a wave height of 3m is not breaking. True. The ratio of wave height to wavelength is less than 1/7
4 - $200 What is the main cause of the major surface currents of the world’s ocean? Prevailing winds and Coriolis effect.
4 - $300 Name three causes for the formation of subsurface currents. Friction, pile-up and subsidence
4 - $400 What kind of density current is caused by sinking muddy water? turbidity
4 - $500 What cold, nutrient-rich water rising from the deep ocean bottom called? upwelling
5 - $100 What instrument is used to obtain water samples deep in the ocean? Nansen bottle
5 - $200 True or False? Landmasses completely surround each ocean?
5 - $300 True or False? The central lagoons of atolls are often the flooded centers of meteorite craters. False. The lagoons within atolls are usually formed above collapsed or submerged volcanic cones.
5 - $400 Marine snow occurs only in late winter in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres False
5 - $500 Deep-sea currents are usually in the opposite direction from surface currents. False. Deep currents usually flow in directions completely unrelated to the directions of surface currents above them
Final Jeopardy How must the moon, earth, and sun be positioned for a neap tide to occur? They must form a right angle