Science Safety 5th Grade 5-1.8- Use appropriate safety procedures when conducting investigations.
Always wear appropriate safety equipment when conducting investigations.
Only a teacher can clean up broken glass.
Do not put anything in your mouth unless instructed by the teacher.
“Sniffing Method” Chemicals that create fumes should always be used in an area that gets a steady flow of fresh air. Never put your face near the mouth of a container that holds chemicals. Use a wafting motion when testing for odors.
Follow all directions for completing the science investigation.
Follow proper handling of animals and plants in the classroom.
Keep the workplace neat. Clean up when the investigation is completed.
Practice all of the safety procedures associated with the activities or investigations conducted.
Tell the teacher about accidents or spills right away.
Use caution when mixing solutions.
Use caution when working with heat sources and heated objects.
Wash hands after each activity.