Diarrheagenic Afa/Dr DAEC strain C1845 promotes epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT)-like behavior, cell extrusion, and pks-dependent damage in human intestinal cells. Diarrheagenic Afa/Dr DAEC strain C1845 promotes epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT)-like behavior, cell extrusion, and pks-dependent damage in human intestinal cells. The drawing on the left summarizes the observed EMT-related cellular events. An F1845-triggered hDAF-, MAPKs-, PI3K-, and HIF-1α-dependent production of VEGF develops in colonic-like T84 cells (1 and 2). An F1845-triggered hDAF-, MAPKs-, PI3K-, and HIF-1α-dependent EMT-like behavior develops, characterized by the typical changes in expression of mesenchymal markers, such as the upregulation of fibronectin, the downregulation of CK18, and the disappearance of AJ-associated E-cadherin (1 and 3). Finally, depolarized intestinal cells lose the lateral cell-to-cell and basal contacts and become detached from the cell monolayer. (A) Low-magnification transmission electron micrographs show the dedifferentiation of Caco-2/TC7 cells infected with the diarrhea-associated strain C1845, characterized by a disorganization of the apical domain and by the appearance of nucleus fragmentation and loss of nucleus dense electron material, indicating cell death (left micrograph). The boxed area indicates a cell with a funnel form engaging in shedding from the cell monolayer as the result of the wide opening of the lateral cell-to-cell junctional domain and detachment at the basal domain. The micrograph on the right shows a high magnification of the cell engaging in detachment and containing a high number of vesicles in the cytoplasm. (B) Low- and high-magnification micrographs show the morphological changes in Giemsa-stained C1845-infected undifferentiated Caco-2/TC7, cells characterized by an enlargement of the cell body and nucleus. Low-magnification micrographs show the increase of the phosphorylation of nuclear H2AX, the most sensitive marker of DNA damage. (Courtesy of J. P. Nougayrede and E. Oswald, reproduced with permission.) Alain L. Servin Clin. Microbiol. Rev. 2014; doi:10.1128/CMR.00036-14