Tony Pearson, Network Planning Manager Interruption Process 2009 Tony Pearson, Network Planning Manager
Summary 2008 Process 2009 Process Secured sufficient interruption for 2011 / 12 in three out of eleven zones Secured some further interruption in two of these zones for 2012 / 13, and in one zone for 2013 / 14 2009 Process Subject to approval of Mod 247, NGN will be inviting offers in the remaining 8 zones for 2011 / 12 Where required, NGN will also be inviting offers in zones 1 to 11 for years 2012 / 13 to 2016 / 17
Summary 2009 Process (cont...) Assessed our requirements in the same way as last year, taking account of interruption already secured Offers are sought in the same way as last year 1:20 Peak Day and 1:50 severe Duration For each zone and each year we have identified three “volume” blocks to cover our forecast severe curve Not absolutely necessary to seek to exactly match our minimum requirement – if separate tranches are offered for individual sites it is important that these can be exercised Happy to discuss / explain further if required
Interruption Zones for 2009 Tenders 10 8 Year Zones Where Tenders Invited 2011/12 All except 7, 9 & 11 2012/13 All except 11 2013/14 2014/15 All 2015/16 2016/17 9 7 3 11 1 5 4 6 2
Indicative Interruption Requirements Northern Gas Networks' Indicative Interruption Requirements 2011/12 to 2016/17 (Y+2 to Y+7) All capacity figures are in kWh / day Zone Description Applicable period (Y+3 = 1 Oct 2012 - 30 Sept 2013) Aggregate Interruptible Capacity Required Period 1 (days) Minimum Capacity required in Period 1 Period 2 (days) Minimum Capacity required in Period 2 Period 3 (days) Minimum Capacity required in Period 3 GT3090001 North West Leeds Y+2 to Y+7 151,993 10 33 132,152 64,930 GT3090002 Kirklees 279,026 28 237,428 27 116,348 GT3090003 Yorkshire Coast 53,854 12 GT3090004 East leeds 218,393 16 170,728 19 84,309 GT3090005 East Riding 47,803 25 39,997 24 19,480 GT3090006 Humberhead 41,006 49 37,293 58 18,269 GT3090007 Teesdale Y+2 n/a Y+3 to Y+7 191,413 149,699 74,757 GT3090008 County Durham 106,029 14 77,689 37,891 GT3090009 Cumbria Y+3 3,429,400 7 2,053,567 746,483 Y+4 to Y+7 3,575,000 11 2,172,083 17 964,167 GT3090010 Tyne Valley 382,062 42 331,582 53 162,090 GT3090011 Vale of York Y+2 to Y+4 Y+5 to Y+7 147,101 114,623 54,376 Alternative Cumbria 2012 / 13 requirement 2,929,400 1,553,567 1,002,733
Any Questions?