TGad May 2010 Report Date: 2010-05-18 Authors: May 2010 April 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/0570r0 May 2010 TGad May 2010 Report Date: 2010-05-18 Authors: Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
May 2010 Meeting Protocol Please announce your affiliation when you first address the group during a meeting slot Slide 2 Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Register Indicate attendance Attendance May 2010 Attendance Register Indicate attendance See document 11-09-0517r0 for more details Slide 3 Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Attendance, Voting & Document Status May 2010 Attendance, Voting & Document Status Make sure your badges are correct If you plan to make a submission be sure it does not contain company logos or advertising Questions on Voting status, Ballot pool, Access to Reflector, Documentation, member’s area see Adrian Stephens – Cell Phones Silent or Off Slide 4 Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Patent Policy Following 5 slides May 2010 April 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/0570r0 May 2010 Patent Policy Following 5 slides Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Instructions for the WG Chair April 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/0570r0 May 2010 Instructions for the WG Chair The IEEE-SA strongly recommends that at each WG meeting the chair or a designee: Show slides #1 through #4 of this presentation Advise the WG attendees that: The IEEE’s patent policy is consistent with the ANSI patent policy and is described in Clause 6 of the IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws; Early identification of patent claims which may be essential for the use of standards under development is strongly encouraged; There may be Essential Patent Claims of which the IEEE is not aware. Additionally, neither the IEEE, the WG, nor the WG chair can ensure the accuracy or completeness of any assurance or whether any such assurance is, in fact, of a Patent Claim that is essential for the use of the standard under development. Instruct the WG Secretary to record in the minutes of the relevant WG meeting: That the foregoing information was provided and that slides 1 through 4 (and this slide 0, if applicable) were shown; That the chair or designee provided an opportunity for participants to identify patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) and/or the holder of patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) of which the participant is personally aware and that may be essential for the use of that standard Any responses that were given, specifically the patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) and/or the holder of the patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) that were identified (if any) and by whom. The WG Chair shall ensure that a request is made to any identified holders of potential essential patent claim(s) to complete and submit a Letter of Assurance. It is recommended that the WG chair review the guidance in IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual 6.3.5 and in FAQs 12 and 12a on inclusion of potential Essential Patent Claims by incorporation or by reference. Note: WG includes Working Groups, Task Groups, and other standards-developing committees with a PAR approved by the IEEE-SA Standards Board. (Optional to be shown) Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Participants, Patents, and Duty to Inform April 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/0570r0 May 2010 Participants, Patents, and Duty to Inform All participants in this meeting have certain obligations under the IEEE-SA Patent Policy. Participants: “Shall inform the IEEE (or cause the IEEE to be informed)” of the identity of each “holder of any potential Essential Patent Claims of which they are personally aware” if the claims are owned or controlled by the participant or the entity the participant is from, employed by, or otherwise represents “Personal awareness” means that the participant “is personally aware that the holder may have a potential Essential Patent Claim,” even if the participant is not personally aware of the specific patents or patent claims “Should inform the IEEE (or cause the IEEE to be informed)” of the identity of “any other holders of such potential Essential Patent Claims” (that is, third parties that are not affiliated with the participant, with the participant’s employer, or with anyone else that the participant is from or otherwise represents) The above does not apply if the patent claim is already the subject of an Accepted Letter of Assurance that applies to the proposed standard(s) under consideration by this group Quoted text excerpted from IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws subclause 6.2 Early identification of holders of potential Essential Patent Claims is strongly encouraged No duty to perform a patent search Slide #1 Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Patent Related Links Patent Policy is stated in these sources: April 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/0570r0 May 2010 Patent Related Links All participants should be familiar with their obligations under the IEEE-SA Policies & Procedures for standards development. Patent Policy is stated in these sources: IEEE-SA Standards Boards Bylaws IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual Material about the patent policy is available at If you have questions, contact the IEEE-SA Standards Board Patent Committee Administrator at or visit This slide set is available at Slide #2 Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Call for Potentially Essential Patents April 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/0570r0 May 2010 Call for Potentially Essential Patents If anyone in this meeting is personally aware of the holder of any patent claims that are potentially essential to implementation of the proposed standard(s) under consideration by this group and that are not already the subject of an Accepted Letter of Assurance: Either speak up now or Provide the chair of this group with the identity of the holder(s) of any and all such claims as soon as possible or Cause an LOA to be submitted Slide #3 Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Other Guidelines for IEEE WG Meetings April 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/0570r0 May 2010 Other Guidelines for IEEE WG Meetings All IEEE-SA standards meetings shall be conducted in compliance with all applicable laws, including antitrust and competition laws. Don’t discuss the interpretation, validity, or essentiality of patents/patent claims. Don’t discuss specific license rates, terms, or conditions. Relative costs, including licensing costs of essential patent claims, of different technical approaches may be discussed in standards development meetings. Technical considerations remain primary focus Don’t discuss or engage in the fixing of product prices, allocation of customers, or division of sales markets. Don’t discuss the status or substance of ongoing or threatened litigation. Don’t be silent if inappropriate topics are discussed … do formally object. --------------------------------------------------------------- See IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual, clause 5.3.10 and “Promoting Competition and Innovation: What You Need to Know about the IEEE Standards Association's Antitrust and Competition Policy” for more details. Slide #4 Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Agenda Items for the Week May 2010 Agenda Items for the Week Call for secretary Set agenda for the week Review from March Review conference calls Approve minutes from March Review list of Complete and New Technique proposals and strawpolls TG officer elections Complete Proposal presentations New Technique Proposals presentations Strawpolls Motions Channel model Confirmation vote Editor election Continue developing task group documents Channel modeling Planning for July Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Submissions Recommendation for Next Steps in TGad, 10/580 April 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/0570r0 May 2010 Submissions Recommendation for Next Steps in TGad, 10/580 Channel modeling Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Selection Procedure May 2010 We are in Step 2/3: NT and Complete Proposal presentations On Wed PM2or PM3 we will be in Step 4: Zero or more strawpoll votes may be held on Complete Proposals to gauge support. Step 5 could take place on Th PM1: A confirmation vote may be held if scheduled as a special order on the task group agenda. If a Complete Proposal passes the confirmation vote with 75% approval then the technical specification provided for that Complete Proposal becomes the initial technical specification of IEEE 802.11ad and the selection procedure is completed. If the confirmation vote fails to achieve 75% approval, or if no confirmation vote is held, continue to Step 6. Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
TGad Agenda for the Week April 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/0570r0 May 2010 TGad Agenda for the Week Monday May 17th, 19:30 – 21:30 (no overlap with TGac) Call for secretary Review from March Review conference calls Approve minutes from March Review list of Complete and New Technique proposals and strawpolls TG officer elections Tuesday Mar 18th, 08:00 – 10:00 (no overlap with TGac) Complete Proposals 1 and 3 Tuesday Mar 18th, 10:30 – 12:30 (no overlap with TGac) Recommendation for Next Steps in TGad, 10/580 Complete proposal procedure motion New Technique Proposals 1, 3 Tuesday May 18, 13:30-15:30 (no overlap with TGac) New Technique Proposals 4 , 5, 6 Tuesday May 18, 16:00-18:00 (overlap with TGac) New Technique Proposals 8, 9, 10 Tuesday May 18, 19:30-21:30 (overlap with TGac) New Technique Proposals 11, 12, 13, 14 Wednesday May 19, 08:00-10:00 (overlap with TGac) Call for secretary New Technique Proposals 16, 17, 19, 20 Wednesday May 19, 13:30-15:30 (no overlap with TGac) New Technique Proposals 21, 22, 23, 24 Wednesday May 19, 16:00-18:00 (no overlap with TGac) Special orders of the day of New Technique and Complete proposal strawpolls at 16:10 ITU-R 60 GHz liaison discussion Internal comment resolution discussion Wednesday May 19, 19:30-21:30 (no overlap with TGac) No meeting Thursday May 20th, 13:30 – 15:30 (no overlap with TGac) Special orders of the day of confirmation vote at 13:40 Continue developing Channel modeling document Thursday May 20th, 16:00 – 18:00 (no overlap with TGac) Special orders of the day of TGad editor election at 16:10 (if passing confirmation vote) motion for Channel Model document Planning for July Goals for July Conference calls Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Monday May 17th, 19:30 – 21:30 Call for secretary Review from March April 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/0570r0 May 2010 Monday May 17th, 19:30 – 21:30 Call for secretary Review from March Review conference calls Approve minutes from March Review list of Complete and New Technique proposals and strawpolls TG officer elections Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Review from March (1/2) New Technique Proposals May 2010 Review from March (1/2) New Technique Proposals 802.11ad New Technique Proposal, 10/0259r2, Yuichi Morioka, Sony Synchronous Collision Resolution - A New Technology Proposal, 10/0255r2, John Stine, Self Channel Estimation Sequence for TGad, 10/0264r3, André Bourdoux, IMEC Spatial Discovery in 60 GHz, 10/0245r1, Sudheer Grandhi, InterDigital Efficient Methods for Coexistence with Other 60GHz Systems, 10/0231r3, John Barr, NICT Basic TGad MAC Layer Proposals and Options for Coexistence, 10/0249r2, Xiaoming Peng, Insititute for Infocomm Research Spatial Reuse Strategies in 60 GHz, 10/0250r1, Ananth Subramanian, Insititute for Infocomm Research Strawpolls conducted on most of the New Technique proposals to gauge support (9 strawpolls in 22 minutes) Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Review from March (2/2) Channel model document development April 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/0570r0 May 2010 Review from March (2/2) Channel model document development Intra-cluster response model and parameter for the enterprise cubicle environments at 60GHz, 10/0372r0, Hirokazu Sawada TGad Channel Model Update, 10/0391r0, Alexander Maltsev Channel Models for 60 GHz WLAN Systems, 09/0334r7, Alexander Maltsev Enterprise cubicle channel model discussed but not complete Complete proposals in May will only simulate home living room and office conference room scenarios Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
May 2010 March Minutes Motion to approve March ‘10 TGad minutes as contained in 11-10-0273r1 Move: John Barr Second: Vinko Erceg Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Review of Conference Calls May 2010 Review of Conference Calls Cumulative minutes from 2010 in 10/0013r2 One call on April 29, 2010 10:00 ET 11-10/0489r0, PHY Performance evaluation with 60GHz WLAN channel models, Alexander Maltsev 11-10/0490r0, Intra cluster response model and parameter for the enterprise cubicle environments at 60GHz, Hirokazu Sawada Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Proposal presentations May 2010 Proposal presentations 20 New Techniques proposals 2 Complete proposals Time requirements 30 minutes allocation for new technique (inclusive of presentation, Q&A) 60 minutes allocation for complete (inclusive of presentation, Q&A) Strawpolls on Wed after all complete and NT presentations, Wed PM2 Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Complete Proposals (in order of presentation) May 2010 Complete Proposals (in order of presentation) CP 1 Presentation: Carlos Cordeiro, Intel, Gal Basson, Wilocity, 10/0432r2 Draft text: 10/0433r2 PAR, FRD and EVM declaration: 10/0434r0 Simulation Results and Methodology: 10/0435r0 PHY Simulations and Methodology: 10/0431r3 CP 2: withdrawn CP 3 Presentation (including simulations, PAR, FRD and EVM declaration): Hiroshi Harada, NICT, 10/0498r3 Draft text: 10/0499r2 Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
New Technique Proposals (in order of presentation) (1/2) May 2010 New Technique Proposals (in order of presentation) (1/2) Sync & Power Saving, Huai-Rong Shao, Samsung Electronics, 10/0446r1 Asymmetric Antenna Pattern Association, Tuncer Baykas, NICT, 10/0500r0 (withdrawn) TGad Common Preamble, Hongyuan Zhang, Marvell, 10/0439r1 New MAC Features for TGad, Chao-Chun Wang, MediaTek, 10/0441r3 Beam training procedure for 60GHz mm-wave communication (TGad), Junyi Wang, NICT, 10/0496r2 Relay Operation in IEEE 802.11ad, Kapseok Chang, ETRI, 10/0494r1 Withdrawn Fast Session Transfer, Laurent Cariou, Orange Labs / France Telecom R&D, 10/0491r2 Beamforming Introduction, Christopher Hansen, Broadcom, 10/0430r1 Fast Session Transfer, Naveen Kakani, Nokia, 10/0436r2 60-GHz RF System Performance Optimization, Tian-Wei Huang, National Taiwan University, 10/0497r0 TGad Security Enhancements, Yong Liu, Marvell, 10/0438r2 Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
New Technique Proposals (in order of presentation) (2/2) May 2010 New Technique Proposals (in order of presentation) (2/2) Beamforming training for IEEE 802.11ad, Changsoon Choi, IHP microelectronics, 10/0493r1 Scheduled Spatial Reuse with Collaborative Beamforming, Thomas Derham, Orange Labs / France Telecom R&D, 10/0487r1 Withdrawn MAC Link Maintenance, Haeyoung Jun, Samsung Electronics, 10/0445r1 Beamforming, Kishore Ramachandran, NEC, 10/0450r3 Collaboration between 2.4/5 and 60 GHz, Ichihiko Toyoda, NTT, 10/0492r2 Single Carrier PHY, Murat Mese, Broadcom, 10/0429r1 Spatial Frequency Sharing and BSS Management, James Yee, MediaTek, 10/0443r1 OFDM PHY, Vish Ponnampalam, MediaTek, 10/0440r2 Mechanism for Inter-system Coexistence, Chin-Sean Sum, NICT, 10/0485r1 Spectrum Measurement for TGad, Xiaoming Peng, Institute for Infocomm Research, 10/0507r0 Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Standard Strawpoll Templates May 2010 Standard Strawpoll Templates “Do you support inclusion of the technique, [list technique] as described in 10/YYYYrZ in the TGad draft amendment?” “Do you support adopting the complete proposal in 10/YYYYrZ as the first draft of the TGad amendment?” Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
NT Proposal Strawpolls (1/5) May 2010 NT Proposal Strawpolls (1/5) Sync & Power Saving, Huai-Rong Shao, Samsung Electronics, 10/0446 none Asymmetric Antenna Pattern Association, Tuncer Baykas, NICT, 10/0500 (withdraw) TGad Common Preamble, Hongyuan Zhang, Marvell, 10/0439 New MAC Features for TGad, Chao-Chun Wang, MediaTek, 10/0441 Beam training procedure for 60GHz mm-wave communication (TGad), Junyi Wang, NICT, 10/0496 Relay Operation in IEEE 802.11ad, Wooyong Lee, ETRI, 10/0494 Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
NT Proposal Strawpolls (2/5) May 2010 NT Proposal Strawpolls (2/5) Withdrawn Fast Session Transfer, Laurent Cariou, Orange Labs / France Telecom R&D, 10/0491 none Beamforming, Kishore Ramachandran, NEC, 10/0450 Fast Session Transfer, Naveen Kakani, Nokia, 10/0436 60-GHz RF System Performance Optimization, Tian-Wei Huang, National Taiwan University, 10/0497 TGad Security Enhancements, Yong Liu, Marvell, 10/0438 Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
NT Proposal Strawpolls (3/5) May 2010 NT Proposal Strawpolls (3/5) Beamforming training for IEEE 802.11ad, Changsoon Choi, IHP microelectronics, 10/0493 none Scheduled Spatial Reuse with Collaborative Beamforming, Thomas Derham, Orange Labs / France Telecom R&D, 10/0487 Withdrawn MAC Link Maintenance, Haeyoung Jun, Samsung Electronics, 10/0445 Beamforming Introduction, Christopher Hansen, Broadcom, 10/0430 Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
NT Proposal Strawpolls (4/5) May 2010 NT Proposal Strawpolls (4/5) Collaboration between 2.4/5 and 60 GHz, Laurent Cariou, Orange Labs / France Telecom R&D, 10/0492 none Single Carrier PHY, Murat Mese, Broadcom, 10/0429 Spatial Frequency Sharing and BSS Management, James Yee, MediaTek, 10/0443 Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
NT Proposal Strawpolls (5/5) May 2010 NT Proposal Strawpolls (5/5) OFDM PHY, Vish Ponnampalam, MediaTek, 10/0440 none Mechanism for Inter-system Coexistence, Chin-Sean Sum, NICT, 10/0485 Spectrum Measurement for TGad, Xiaoming Peng, Insititute for Infocomm Research, 10/0507 Do you support inclusion of the technique, Spectrum Measurement as described in 11-10/0507rX in the TGad draft amendment? Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Complete Proposal Strawpolls May 2010 Complete Proposal Strawpolls CP 1 Do you support adopting the complete proposal in 10/0433rX as the first draft of the TGad amendment?” CP 3 Do you support adopting the complete proposal in 10/0499rX as the first draft of the TGad amendment?” Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
TG Officer Elections Chair Vice Chair 1 (channel modeling, etc.) May 2010 TG Officer Elections Chair Eldad Perahia: no objection Vice Chair 1 (channel modeling, etc.) Vinko Erceg: no objection Vice Chair 2 (coexistence, etc.) John Barr: 0 James Yee: 40 Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Tuesday May 18th, 08:00 – 10:00 Call for secretary April 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/0570r0 May 2010 Tuesday May 18th, 08:00 – 10:00 Call for secretary Complete Proposals 1 and 3 Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
April 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/0570r0 May 2010 Tuesday May 18th, 10:30 – 12:30 Proposed Agenda change: ITU-R 60 GHz liaison discussion on Wed PM2 after strawpolls No objection Recommendation for Next Steps in TGad, 10/580 Modify agenda to hold motion this time slot Move: Hiroshi Harada Second: Carlos Cordeiro New Technique Proposals: Sync & Power Saving, Huai-Rong Shao, Samsung Electronics, 10/0446r1 TGad Common Preamble, Hongyuan Zhang, Marvell, 10/0439r1 Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
May 2010 Motion Approve the following as the drafting process for the creation of D1.0 for WG letter ballot In this May/10 session, proceed to confirm document 10/433 as Draft 0.1 of TGad Two weeks after the end of this session, open an internal (TG level) comment resolution on D0.1 At the comment resolution, the integration of the complete proposal 10/499 into D0.1 will be addressed In the Sept/10 session, conduct vote to approve creation of D1.0 and go into WG letter ballot Move: Hiroshi Harada Second: Carlos Cordeiro Y- 73 N- 0 Abstain- 1 Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Tuesday May 18th, 13:30 – 15:30 New Technique Proposals New MAC Features for TGad, Chao-Chun Wang, MediaTek, 10/0441r3 Beam training procedure for 60GHz mm-wave communication (TGad), Junyi Wang, NICT, 10/0496r2 Relay Operation in IEEE 802.11ad, Kapseok Chang, ETRI, 10/0494r1 Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
May 2010 Tuesday May 18th, 16:00 – 18:00 Proposed Agenda change: Internal comment resolution discussion on Wed PM2 No objections New Technique Proposals Fast Session Transfer, Laurent Cariou, Orange Labs / France Telecom R&D, 10/0491r2 Beamforming Introduction, Christopher Hansen, Broadcom, 10/0430r1 Fast Session Transfer, Naveen Kakani, Nokia, 10/0436r2 Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Tuesday May 18th, 19:30 – 21:30 New Technique Proposals 60-GHz RF System Performance Optimization, Tian-Wei Huang, National Taiwan University, 10/0497r0 TGad Security Enhancements, Yong Liu, Marvell, 10/0438r2 Beamforming training for IEEE 802.11ad, Changsoon Choi, IHP microelectronics, 10/0493r1 Scheduled Spatial Reuse with Collaborative Beamforming, Thomas Derham, Orange Labs / France Telecom R&D, 10/0487r1 Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Wednesday May 19th, 08:00 – 10:00 New Technique proposals MAC Link Maintenance, Haeyoung Jun, Samsung Electronics, 10/0445r1 Beamforming, Kishore Ramachandran, NEC, 10/0450r3 Collaboration between 2.4/5 and 60 GHz, Ichihiko Toyoda, NTT, 10/0492r2 Single Carrier PHY, Murat Mese, Broadcom, 10/0429r1 Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Wednesday May 19th, 13:30 – 15:30 New Technique proposals Spatial Frequency Sharing and BSS Management, James Yee, MediaTek, 10/0443r1 OFDM PHY, Vish Ponnampalam, MediaTek, 10/0440r2 Mechanism for Inter-system Coexistence, Chin-Sean Sum, NICT, 10/0485r1 Spectrum Measurement for TGad, Xiaoming Peng, Institute for Infocomm Research, 10/0507r0 Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
May 2010 Backup Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Goals for July May 2010 April 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/0570r0 Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Conference call times Not overlap with TGac June 24, July 1, 8 April 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/0570r0 May 2010 Conference call times Not overlap with TGac June 24, July 1, 8 10:00-12:00 ET Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Motion for Confirmation Vote May 2010 Motion for Confirmation Vote Confirm <doc-ref> as the Initial Technical Specification Draft 0.1 for IEEE 802.11 TGad [Pursuant to Step 5 of the TGad selection procedure, as contained in 11-09/0935r5] Move: Second: Yes: No: Abs: Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Motion for Channel Model Document May 2010 Motion for Channel Model Document Move to adopt 09/0334rYY as the TGad channel model document Move: Second: Yes: No: Abs: Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation