If I were a soft , comfy sofa By Geordie Schembri
HI. Today , I’m going to tell you my lovely adventure HI ! Today , I’m going to tell you my lovely adventure . I am a beautiful white and comfy sofa . My owners are Alison and Anton.
Once, I was in this shop where I made lots of friends , but one sunny afternoon a woman came up to me and after an hour I found myself at her house . I felt confused and a little scared , but the house was beautiful.
Now many years have passed and we are going to move to another house Now many years have passed and we are going to move to another house . A van came up to our house and people started lifting me up .I was really annoyed. I was put in a van and my house friends were there !! Now many years have passed and we are going to move to another house.A van came up to our house and people started lifting me up .I was really annoyed. I was put in a van and my house friends where there !!
We began chatting, but all of a sudden , the van tilted to the side and I broke . I was taken to be repaired and after a week I continued my journey. I was in that ugly van again.
After a while, I was in an enormous house After a while, I was in an enormous house. It was lovely, and that’s how my adventure ended. At the moment, I’m happy with my owners. I hope you enjoyed my adventure