On - the - spot speaking secrets Ovation … experts in speaker training
Jan bailey and shona welsh Ovation … experts In speaker training www.ovationspeakertraining.com
The affect effect “The most important thing in communicating is hearing what isn’t said” Peter drucker
Affect assertive confident powerful Avoid negative leg and feet expression Incorporate positive torso expression Self explanatory …
Exercise # 1 ‘be’ your message
‘New ropes’ phenomenon “That is what learning is. You suddenly understand something you’ve understood all your life, but in a new way.” Doris Lessing
Exercise #2 A new point of view
The thousand words approach “Whoever controls the media – the images, controls the culture.” Alan Ginsberg
Another thousand words
Another thousand
1000 more Photography is the story I fail to put into words. Destin sparks
Exercise #3 Tell a verbal story
A final thought