RiderCoach Professional Development Practices We are on a journey together - Each in our own way…
Goal Gain and implement ideas for Professional Development and RiderCoach improvement
Discuss in Teams: What defines professional development Discuss in Teams: What defines professional development? How do we improve program outcomes? What practices are emphasized and successful? This is a participant led discussion - provide positive input for consideration…..
Time for a group picture! First things first, Time for a group picture!
Begin by finding your team by matching puzzle pieces Begin by finding your team by matching puzzle pieces. Introduce yourselves within your team… give a ready sign when complete
As a Team discuss the following: Define Professional Development within your team and describe a key desired outcome… (select a spokesperson to share with all teams) 5 Minutes……
Spokesperson share with all teams…..
As a Team discuss the following: What professional competencies and abilities (characteristics) are important for all RiderCoaches to develop… (select a spokesperson to share with all teams) 5 Minutes……
Spokesperson share with all teams…..
As a Team discuss the following: Give a few primary examples of developmental events that could be useful for a RiderCoach… (select a spokesperson to share with all teams) 5 Minutes……
Spokesperson share with all teams…..
As a Team discuss the following: How do you get “Buy-In” for improvements in professional development in your programs? (select a spokesperson to share with all teams) 5 Minutes……
Spokesperson share with all teams…..
As a Team discuss the following: As a RiderCoach, how can professional development efforts be improved peer to peer? (select a spokesperson to share with all teams) 5 Minutes……
Spokesperson share with all teams…..
What will you take home and use? Goal Gain and implement ideas for professional development and RiderCoach improvement What will you take home and use?
www.riderchoices.com/RiderCoach Info/IRETS Contact Information don.green@riderchoices.com www.riderchoices.com IRETS slides www.riderchoices.com/RiderCoach Info/IRETS