Tips on Writing a Document Based Question
REMINDER A document based question is simply an essay question that gives you additional sources of information besides what you should already know—you should keep good essay planning and writing strategies in mind as you write these essays.
Always read the essay question carefully before you begin to read the documents. Be sure you understand what the question is asking for BEFORE you even PEEK at the documents!!
Always brainstorm/write down what you already know about the topic before you read the documents. You may even draft a thesis. What you already know (and the content of the question) should determine the format of your outline, NOT the documents.
3. Next—read the documents carefully. Underline key words and phrases. In the margin, or below each document, write a statement that gets at the main idea of the document. What is this adding to the information you already know?
Now formulate your informed thesis. What will you prove in this essay?
THE OVERALL FORMAT IS NOT NEW!!!! You are now ready to draft an outline. Begin with your thesis, then list the three major topics you will discuss in the body of your essay. Below each topic, list the specific information you already knew and the documents you will refer to in that paragraph. THE OVERALL FORMAT IS NOT NEW!!!!
Write your (5-paragraph) essay! Same format as always!
Citing Documents in your DBQ Version 1: Mention the author and key ideas from document—and cite at end of sentence or paragraph. Taxes were a central point of contention in 1700s France. Arthur Young explains that the unfair nature of the tax structure left many of the Third Estate in poverty—and it would be this group that caused the most trouble (Doc. 1).
Citing Documents in your DBQ Version 2: Choose a “pithy” quote to include—this should be SHORT!—and cite document at the end of the sentence. Taxes were a central point of contention in 1700s France. As Arthur Young states, there was “an injustice in levying the amount each person must pay” (Doc. 1). The bourgeoisie in particular were upset because . . .