Remember you can revise at home! Prelim Revision Remember you can revise at home!
Try and identify the following joints…
State the names of the following tools / equipment…
Lets see who has been revising at home…
12. When cramping your wood, how could you stop the cramps from damaging your design?
13. What is Dry Cramping?
14. What two ways could you check your model is square?
15. In what direction should you plane and sand wood?
16. Can you think of a suitable finish for wood where you want to keep the grain visible?
17. I am a manufactured board made from fine wood fibres, compressed and glued together, what am I?
18. What power tool can cut curves in wood?
19. What hand tool can cut curves on wood?
20. Can you name 1 check you should do before using a pillar drill?
21. Can you name 1 environmental reason for using pine instead of oak for your final design?
22. Can you name 1 reason for using MDF instead of pine or oak for your final project?
23. Can you identify this machine?
24. Can you identify the machine parts? B C D
25. Can you name the LAST two stages of preparing wood for turning? Action Step 1 Draw a diagonal cross at each end of the wood. Step 2 Centre punch both sides in the middle of the cross. Step 3 Draw a circle / octagon at each end of the wood.