Quality labelling for Web-pages by Thomas Mestl Strategic Research, DNV
Quality aspects on a web page Visual Layer Presentation Quality Technical Layer Presentation layer: called web design intuitive, self explaining icons, chosen fonts, used colour, page layout (arrangement of content), how much graphic vs. text, links easy to find ergonomy Technical layer: browser dependent, download time, Data layer: actual info content of a web page how correct and relevant is it to the user Technical Quality Data Layer Data & Information Quality
Quality How to determine the Quality? Quality is the totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs (ISO 8402 def.). How to determine the Quality? by verifying it against stated requirements! documenting verification results!
General quality information about the Web site: Content Responsible Contributor verified e.g.each day Date of last editing & documented etc. Quality of technical information: all links are working download time browser dependencies verified e.g. each day required cookies & documented Quality of data set: Verified & documented that e.g. data are collected/generated according to specified requirements data are pre-processed according to specified procedure data are verified against specified requirements data are cross checked Quality of underlying mathematical model: Verified & documented that e.g. model captures the essential behaviour of the system model predicts correctly in 90 % of the cases Quality of the software: Verified that e.g. software is functioning as specified software can handle faulty data
Demonstration by Rolf Lindgren http://dtp340.osl.dnv.com/DNV/