Françoise Wolf-Mandroux IUFM Orléans-Tours


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Presentation transcript:

Françoise Wolf-Mandroux IUFM Orléans-Tours Chassé-croisé: how to integrate mobility and practice abroad in the training of primary teachers. Examples of a European and international course within the IUFM of Orléans-Tours Welcome! Françoise Wolf-Mandroux IUFM Orléans-Tours

Plan How to prepare the primary school trainee teachers for an immersion abroad linguistic, cultural, pedagogical and practical teacher training Testimonies and work the 2nd year primary school trainee teachers (=PE2) and the foreign trainees After the immersion the birth of the European and international teacher

School placements abroad The four-week exchange program for the PE2 Franco-British training exchange program Comenius and Tempus placements bilateral agreements Two or three-month placements Erasmus

Evolution sur les 4 années du contrat : Mobility PE2 2004-2007 Année PE2 PLC2 Total général Erasmus (3 mois) 4 sem 2 sem Total PE % Total PLC 2004 31 46 8 85 10.34 6 26 32 5.70 117 2005 13 10 69 10.50 3 29 7.03 101 2006 22 9 60 11.15 45 51 10.40 111 2007 16 54 5 75 15.75 11 1(3 mois) 39 13.5 126 289 166 455 Evolution sur les 4 années du contrat : Mobilité stagiaires

Capacités d'accueil : 61 places et 55 candidatures retenues Destinations PE2 2007 Capacités d'accueil : 61 places et 55 candidatures retenues Belfast : 5 Lucerne : 2 Dublin : 5 Twickenham : 15 Grenade : 8 Bristol : 10 Craiova : 10

Comenius Project, 2006-2008 Cadre pour une expérience de classe en Europe en formation initiale Framework for class practice in Europe as part of teachers' initial training partners France, Spain, Northern Ireland and Rumania

Tempus project, 2005-2007 Training of primary school language teachers Framework of skills partners Germany, France, Great Britain and Croatia

Linguistic and cultural training (1) Teaching a language in primary education: level B2 CEFR (the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) in comprehension level B1 CEFR in oral expression Official Instructions (BO, August 29, 2002) communication activities discovery of cultural facts international dimension themes related to the environment of pupils of this age authentic documents

Linguistic and cultural training (2) Geneviève Zarate : a language teacher = a social actor Importance of adapting to his/her cultural environment of adapting his/her pedagogy to the pupils of the country

Preparation at the IUFM of Orleans-Tours Language practice Knowledge of the culture Preparation to the teaching of FFL (French as a Foreign Language) more confidence more practice

Advice and orientations Understanding a new environment and adapting to it as best as possible Teaching one’s mother tongue advantages and disadvantages Writing a log book Also available for the foreign trainees

Teacher training Linguistic skills Multidisciplinary skills Integrating cultural and international dimensions while in immersion Confidence “… the myth of perfection, the very French fear of making mistakes,…” Le Bihan (Jean-Claude), « Avant-après, la formation croisée des professeurs des écoles stagiaires », Les Langues Modernes, 2007, p. 58-67

Preparing a teaching kit Starting from the BO (Official Instructions) and the CEFR everyday life interpersonal relations, food habits, family life, school; cultural environment urban environment, festivals, history; tales and legends, nursery rhymes, literature and children's songs, comic strips; sports and leisure; geographical, socio-economic and political environment geography ( French-speaking countries), institutions, flag, famous monuments, currency Use of new technologies (TICE)

Practical training Overcoming fears Giving the trainees the necessary information in 2 steps: 1) theory: a course on didactics and pedagogy 2) practice: teaching FFL (French as a Foreign Language) and other subjects Meeting and preparing all the trainees: initiation to FFL booklet

Booklets : some examples Bristol Twickenham Common Framework of Objectives

Booklet Bristol


Common Framework

Immersion Teamwork Personal and professional making of the teacher 1) from France: visits of the IUFM teacher trainers to the trainees 2) abroad: tutors, host teachers and staff in charge of the placements facilitating comprehension and exchanges Personal and professional making of the teacher Trainee = ambassador of his/her country Living in another country: sharing everyday life, discovering another culture, another language and adapting oneself. It is also to discover oneself, to come back enriched from life experiments.

Testimonies Linguistic Aspect Professional Aspect Personal Aspect a greater ease in the language Professional Aspect more maturity and more confidence better prepared to teach the language motivation to make progress in the language and to teach teaching improvement Personal Aspect to feel “foreign” somewhere difficult return

Teaching achievements Making of a CD-Rom of FFL from the trainees’ work 34 lessons Many examples throughout Europe

Birth of the European teacher (1) The placement abroad : a must revealing, significant and pioneering a rite of passage a passport the trainee acquires know-how and know-to be growing adaptability A life experience

Birth of the European teacher (2) Enriching course Controlling many teaching situations Facing multilingual pupils Meeting and integrating better the pupils with specific needs The training course abroad is not a tourist journey stands for a long-term training: that of life brings motivation, stimulation, happiness, training, cultural and intercultural discovery, self-confidence

Birth of the European teacher(3) From training to consciousness belonging to the European Community Birth of a European teacher teachers beyond borders Condition To integrate mobility within the Initial Teacher Trainees’ Training

Conclusion Placement abroad for all the teaching staff “The visit or the exchange is to the language teaching what the practical experiment in the laboratory is to the scientist, or the field work to the geographer” Tinsley (Teresa), Face à l’avenir, Les Enseignants en langues à travers l’Europe, Centre européen pour les langues vivantes, Conseil de l’Europe, 2003, p. 62

I wish you a good conference!