Reducing Delayed Transfers of Care (DToC) in Mental Health - a System success story
Local Mental Health Landscape Inpatient Mental Health services from AWP DToC mainly in Psychiatric Intensive Care & Later Life beds Complex landscape - three local authorities
The challenges High level of Out of Area placements – financial impact on Provider and Commissioner Mental Health - National target to reduce MH DToC to 3.5% by April 2018 Insufficient data relating to DToC prior to November 2017 Better value – Out of Area
Key issues caused by DToC
MH Enabling Discharge Programme Set up in November 2017 Three Working Groups to address various issues causing delays in discharge: Operational Standard & Coding Working Group Market Management Working Group Partnership Working T&F Group
DToC Performance November 2017- June 2018
Achievements – System Benefits Financial benefits Pro-active approach through a system ‘solution’ and pathway mapping Integrated Discharge Services Improved Provider Management Improved parity between physical & mental health in the management of DToC Improved recording and reporting of DToC Aligning MH with physical acute practice Consistent approach to managing DToC
Lessons Learnt Persistent focus on reducing DTOCs Early engagement with external partners Development of system wide SOPs (DToC Calls, Brokerage Teams, Managing Expectations etc.) Alignment of consistent physical & mental health practice in DToC
Ongoing challenges Summer impact of holiday cover amongst partners Renew skill base and train staff New funding structure for placements by one of the Local Authorities
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