Expectations You will Be assigned your type of person, your name and your age Your project will be on a White poster board that you bring from home (Bring poster in by next Wednesday 3/8!). You will present your project to the class. -Poster is MAJOR grade in Social Studies -Your presentation is a DAILY Grade -Your letter/journal is a DAILY grade -Your research notes is a DAILY grade
Expectations for your project: 1. You will have questions that you will be answering in your INB. -You will use History Alive and electronics to research and find your answers to each question. -Your notes will be a daily grade. 2. When you finish your research notes, you will bring your notes to me to check. When I approve, you may begin writing a rough draft of your journal/diary entry/letter.
Letter/journal Rubric: -Includes Entire Adventure: 25 points -Time period appropriate: 20 points -Fits the length requirement (1 page): 15 points -Answers important adventure questions: 30 points -Grammar/spelling 10 points
Your poster: Pictures/ artifacts Make me believe you are the person you were assigned Make it personal Make it NEAT- They will be hung up in the hallway
Extra credit: Bring in visuals, costumes, or handheld artifacts to share. Points will be added to presentation grade.
I do NOT want you to… Just answer the questions that are on these slides. Rush through and make it look like you did not care about doing your best