All Aboard! “Selling” KFS to Your School Troy Fluharty, Colorado State University Kymber Horn, University of Arizona Kim Yeoh, Cornell University
Pre-Implementation Cornell University Gaining Management Support Comparison of KFS to PeopleSoft (Fall 04) Based on functioning system (IU’s FIS) Controlling our own destiny Functionality, timelines, cost Technical community source advocates
Pre-Implementation Cornell University Gaining Management Support (cont’d) Benefits of Kuali Designed for higher ed Workflow can be used for other processes Designed for distributed access Code is visible, modifiable, supportable Proven interfaces with PeopleSoft Community source consistent with higher ed culture
Pre-Implementation Cornell University Gaining Management Support (cont’d) Risks of Kuali Coordination with partners Delivery of software Long term support Still likely to be customizations needed for Cornell
Pre-Implementation Cornell University Gaining Management Support (cont’d) Risks of vendor software Initial costs (purchase, consultants, customizations) Long term costs (maintenance, upgrades) Long term support not guaranteed Forced upgrade schedule Extensive modifications to meet Cornell’s needs
Pre-Implementation Cornell University Gaining Management Support (cont’d) December 2004… WE’RE IN! Institutional commitment to join partnership and implement KFS at Cornell
Pre-Implementation Cornell University Gaining Functional Support Demos of FIS (Feb – Apr 05) Demos of KFS Release 1 (Apr – Aug 06) Kuali Days Local COA team (Jun 05 – present)
Pre-Implementation Cornell University Gaining Functional Support (cont’d) Sophisticated workflow tool Flexible chart of accounts Labor distribution adjustment process Budget and accounting data integrated Distributed capital assets functionality Enables “soft” commitments Indirect cost calculated and posted nightly Endowment management
Chart of Accounts Team Cornell University Composition of team: KFS staff: project manager, project director, functional lead, quality assurance analyst, 2 business analysts Central offices: 2 accounting, 1 reporting, 2 cost analysis & capital assets, 2 sponsored funds, 3 budget, 1 IT data delivery Campus representation: 5 colleges, 2 research departments, 1 Libraries, 2 enterprises
Chart of Accounts Team (cont’d) Cornell University Chart of Accounts Team (cont’d) Reviewed FIS functionality and chart attributes Reviewed existing chart attributes How they are used? Still necessary? Make recommendations for how KFS attributes will be implemented at Cornell Provide sample data for test installation
Colorado State University
Colorado State University The process started with preparing an RFP using the Advantiv Decision Director Involved all campus personnel we could Resulted in a very comprehensive list of requirements Then it happened on the eve of releasing the RFP….
Colorado State University Change in administration halted the RFP This actually worked out great for Kuali, it gave us time to look at it By the time it all settled we had taken our time to really look at Kuali including using the Kualifier from rSmart
Colorado State University Our sales strategy was born from necessity but really was a lesson on how to sell the system. 3 simple steps to selling Kuali
Colorado State University Get Kuali up and running on campus Kualifier is a very good option and the campus sessions got excitement started Get the academic side of campus involved and using the system you have running We held short training meetings with everyone we could get interested and provided simple scenarios for them to experiment with
Colorado State University Find a somewhat simple problem process on your campus and develop an eDoclite as a demonstration of the system Ours was a moving reimbursement form that tends to get lost in transit for signatures It is used for high cost moves and has to have Provost’s approval – this meant is caught attention at all levels of the institution
University of Arizona
University of Arizona Early Exploration Net Meeting with IU and University of Texas, 2003 – “this won’t work for us” Another Net Meeting – wow! Visit to IU – double wow!! IU (Bill, Damon and Barry) visit Arizona – 2 sessions, attended by 150 each – SRO
University of Arizona CIO, Sally Jackson, indicates we will join the Kuali Development partnership, invites campus to provide a good reason “why not” Everyone is supportive Join Development – early focus workflow, no plans to implement Approved by Arizona Board of Regents AVP Financial Services, Charlie Ingram, fronts the investment – functionally driven
University of Arizona Net Meetings SME groups formed, included campus 75 participants from around campus SME groups formed, included campus Development begins Arizona Kuali Website Detailed timeline, including meetings, decisions, progress Newsletter with Kuali Update Demos and Hands On sessions incl Survey Demos, Demos and more Demos
University of Arizona Kuali Research enters the picture Arizona Board of Regents approved KRA development partnership AND implementation Contribution made to RICE New CIO, Michele Norin – picked up the pace! Enterprise System Replacement Proposal created, Kuali – Financials/Research; PS-Student/HR ABOR approval – implementation set to begin July 08
rSmart Sandbox with UA Data University of Arizona rSmart Sandbox with UA Data Chart of Accounts Beginning Balances w/ Beg Balance methodology Trial Balance Vendor and Labor data Arizona data is creating excitement and will be the feature of the next round of demos and used in hands on.
Cornell University
Implementation Project Cornell University Implementation Project Planning Phase (Jan 07 – Feb 08) One-on-one meetings with campus financial leaders Provide high level plan Hear their issues, concerns, needs Begin inventory of current business processes, reports, and interfaces
Implementation Project (cont’d) Cornell University Implementation Project (cont’d) Start-up Phase (Mar 08 – Jan 09) Complete inventory of current business processes, reporting requirements, and interfaces “KualiCU” (KFS 2.2 installed and loaded with sample Cornell chart data) Data warehouse prototype and mock reports Campus approval of chart and related org structures
Implementation Project (cont’d) Cornell University Implementation Project (cont’d) Discovery Phase (Feb – Jul 09) High level comparison of delivered system with current processes Technical discovery and design Final determination of modular vs “big bang” implementation
Implementation Project (cont’d) Cornell University Implementation Project (cont’d) Implementation Phase (Aug 09 – 2012?) Detailed fit/gap analysis by module/process Customization, conversion and testing Decision support environment Training
Implementation Team Cornell University Essentially same team for Planning and Start Up Composition of team: KFS staff: project manager, project director, functional lead, 2 business analysts Central offices: reporting manager, IT data delivery specialist Campus representation: business service center director
Implementation Team (cont’d) Cornell University Implementation Team (cont’d) Participate in project plan, including: Identification of scope, stakeholders, goals, objectives, success criteria, risks Estimate of resource needs, work breakdown and schedule Define governance, resourcing, management approach, communication plan
Governance Committees Cornell University Governance Committees Senior Financial Group Advisory board for policy or major practice decisions Receive periodic implementation status updates Business officers from each major college or unit Financial System Steering Committee Steering committee for the project Review and approval of major project decisions VP finance (chair), VP info technology, VP planning & budget, Director planning info & policy analysis, two college business officers; Director info systems, Treasurer Questions?