Diabetes Patient Education Claire Mearing Diabetes Lead Dietitian for HCT
Patient Education DESMOND course for newly diagnosed type 2 Carb Awareness courses Starting Insulin Together groups DAFNE LD group education Bitesize education
DESMOND courses National programme recommended by NICE, well evaluated with patient satisfaction high, encourages sustained lifestyle changes to improve control Saturday courses now in all 4 localities due to NHSE project Short waiting times Local audit and support provided to engage Patient information leaflet on new SPOC form Patients need to know that they have Diabetes so they can attend and engage successfully Distance learning for those unable to attend now being organised
Carb Awareness 3 hour course designed to take people on from initial education to more detailed information on carbohydrates and their influence on glycaemic control For type 2s at any stage including those on all types of medication Aim to reduce need for medication, reduce glycaemia and weight Well evaluated and reduces HbA1c by average of 11mmols Refer in directly with new SPOC form
Starting Insulin Together groups New 2 session education by DSN and Dietitian to equip patients with full understanding of using insulin to control type 2 diabetes Small groups run locally in Watford, now to roll out programme to all areas Good patient satisfaction and able to include carers where beneficial Greater self management and engagement especially during titration phase
DAFNE Group education for type 1s to empower patients to self manage National programme and recommended by NICE, audited and evaluated nationally and locally Long term support in DAFNE clinics Less hypos requiring 3rd party assistance and improved HbA1cs Refresher meetings and courses We have been asked to be involved nationally in new trial to further improve course
Learning Disability group education New course run in Watford area for all types of diabetes in those patients who have a LD Small groups 6-10 patients attend a 4 week programme to learn more about their diabetes Set up with HPFT nurses and Practice Nurse using GP venue Involvement and education of carers to help support patient with on going food, cooking, activity and lifestyle choices. Aim to improve engagement for their diabetes checks and understanding of how they can achieve better control
Bitesize education For patients to have greater access to diabetes education in short hour long sessions in their immediate locality such as GP surgeries To deliver short interactive small group sessions on food topics to support primary care To encourage lifelong learning and small sustainable changes to lifestyle to improve diabetes control