Requirement : Register as an alumni! Announcement Requirement : Register as an alumni! In order to graduate (complete MIS4596), you need to: Register as an alumni Submit information about your full-time job offer (if you have one) You will receive an ‘incomplete’ unless you have completed step 1 Time will be given in class to complete this step
Case Analysis Coming up Wednesday! Use the course materials (or previous MIS courses) to formulate your answer Answer all questions for each case Explains rationale for your recommendation(s) Summarize your analysis in no more than 5 ppt slides (this include title page!) – use the “Notes” section to provide details if needed Submit the ppt via OWLbox no later than 7:00 am the day the case study is to be discussed in class Be prepared to present!
Present a deck in which you report : Sprint 1 Presentation Present a deck in which you report : What is the problem or potential business application and why did you choose a particular project/technology, What are your success factors for the project, How do you intend to approach the problem, and What is your ToDo list for the next sprint. Each team has 10 minutes to present and 5 minutes for questions and answers (Q&A)