By:Andrew C. Jordan Teacher:Mr.Gorden Project Completed 12/5/13 Rust-B-Gone By:Andrew C. Jordan Teacher:Mr.Gorden Project Completed 12/5/13
My Question: My question that guided my scientific investigation is”What substance would remove the most rust from a rusty nail”.
Background: I chose this topic because I was in my basement and found a bunch of screws that were rusty and I wanted to maybe be able to use them somewhere else.This experiment would let me clean the screws.
My hypothesis: My hypothesis is If I i use Dr.Pepper then it will remove the most rust.
Variables: Independent Variable:Rust removing substance Dependent Variable:Amount of rust removed Control Variables:nail,substance,beaker
Procedure: 1.Gather materials 2.Place screw in beaker 3.Pour enough liquid to cover the screw 4.Wait about 3 minutes 5.Remove screw 6.Clean beaker 7.Record results
Procedure Pt.2 8.Repeat steps 2-7 for each liquid
Data Pt.1 During my experiment I saw that while the Dr.Pepper was cleaning the nail that it was bubbling and fizzing.While the Clorox was cleaning the nail there wasn’t that much of a reaction.The Dr.Pepper removed about ¾ of the rust.The Clorox only removed about 2/4 of the rust.
Conclusion: I conducted an experiment to see what liquid would remove the most rust from a rusty screw.I have gathered information that leads me to believe Dr.Pepper will remove the most rust between the two products.My data supports my hypothesis becuase it proves my theory that Dr.Pepper would remove the most rust to be correct.There were no errors.
Conclusion Pt.2 I would not change anything because everything worked as it should.