The global implications of water and carbon management
Management strategies to protect the global carbon cycle Objectives Global management strategies to protect the carbon cycle as regulator of the earth’s climate, including afforestation, wetland restoration, improving agricultural practices. By reducing emissions including carbon trading and international agreements.
Management strategies to protect the global carbon cycle Read pages 134 and 135. Wetland Restoration 1) What has happened to wetlands over the centuries and why? 2) What schemes have taken place to help restore wetland areas and how is this achieved? Afforestation 3) What schemes have been put into place to protect forests and increase afforestation? 4) How can afforestation help to combat problems of desertification and land degradation? Agricultural practices 5) How can agricultural practices increase the amount of Co2 on the atmosphere? 6) What strategies can be put in place to reduce this? Table 4.17. International Agreements 7) What international agreements have been put in place to reduce carbon emissions? 8) What problems have there been with both the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Climate agreement from 2015? 9) Why do China and India argue that the reduction of carbon emissions are the responsibility of rich countries? Cap and trade 10) What are: a) cap and trade, b) carbon credits and c) carbon offsets.
The global implications of water management
Management strategies to protect the global water cycle Objectives Global management strategies to protect the water cycle including improving forestry techniques, water allocations for domestic, industrial and agricultural use and drainage basin planning (including run-off, surface stores and groundwater).
Management strategies to protect the global water cycle What different strategies can be put in place to manage the global water cycle?
Management strategies to protect the global water cycle Read pages 135 and 136 Forestry Give examples of how multilateral agencies can promote forest protection and restoration? You must give specific examples.
Management strategies to protect the global water cycle What is the biggest consumer of water?
Management strategies to protect the global water cycle How do the following agricultural techniques reduce the evaporation/wastage or run off of water?
Management strategies to protect the global water cycle How can you manage the amount of water used on a large river basin such as the Colorado River?
Water allocation The Colorado River Compact is a 1922 agreement among seven U.S. states in the basin of the Colorado River in the American Southwest governing the allocation of the water rights to the river's water among the parties of the interstate compact. The compact divides the river basin into two areas, the Upper Division (comprising Colorado, New Mexico, Utah and Wyoming) and the Lower Division (Nevada, Arizona and California
Water allocation The Colorado River Compact was signed in 1922. Why could this be an issue?
Management strategies to protect the global water cycle Read pages 135 and 136 Forestry Give examples of how can multilateral agencies can promote forest protection and restoration? You must give specific examples. Agricultural management 2) How can water wastage from agriculture be reduced? Also look back at land crop management in table 4.17 on page 135. Water allocation 3a) What is the Colorado Compact? b) What issues are occurring with the Colorado Compact today and why?
Management strategies to protect the global water cycle Drainage Basin Planning
Management strategies to protect the global water cycle Drainage Basin Planning 4a) What is drainage basin management? How does this work? b) How has this been set up in England and Wales? c) What are the benefits of this type of approach?