The Internet 10/27/11 XHTML Forms CIS 228 The Internet 10/27/11 XHTML Forms
CSS List Properties Properties of <ol> and <ul> list-style list-stype-position outside, inside, or inherit list-style-image none or url (e.g. url(images/dimond.jpg)) list-style-type disc, circle, square, none decimal, lower-alpha, upper-alpha, lower-roman, upper-roman, lower-greek
XHTML Tables Table – 2 dimensional array of cells (explicit) <table> attribute: summary <caption> (must be first child of <table>) Row – 1 dimensional array of cells (explicit) <tr> table row Column – 1 dimensional array of cells (implicit) Cell – a single item (explicit) Attributes: rowspan colspan (e.g. <th colspan=“3”>) <td> table data (e.g. <td>$3.79</td>) <th> table heading (e.g. <th>price</th>)
CSS Table Properties Standard CSS properties apply to all table elements color, font, text-align, padding, border, etc. Property for <table> only caption-side: top, bottom, inherit Properties for <table>, <tr>, <th>, and <td> border-spacing: length length border-collapse: (separate, collapse, inherit) Properties for <td> and <th> align: (left, right, center, justify, inherit) valign: (top, center, bottom, inherit)
XHTML Forms Limited 2-way communication between user & server (Heretofore server supplies information to the user) Browser sends name-value pairs to server application Names are specified by the application Values are supplied by the user Application responds with new web page for browser (Creating server applications beyond this course) Forms structure the interaction Give user “natural” means of supplying information
Form Element <form action=“url” method=“post|get”> action method Relative (path to local application) Absolute (path to application on a different site) method post - form data bundled in separate communication Cannot be bookmarked get - form data appended to url Size limited Do not use to transmit sensitive data
XHTML Form Elements <form action method > <input name value type id /> <label for > <textarea name rows cols > <select name multiple size > <option value selected label > <fieldset> (groups form fields together) <legend> (caption for a field set)
Input Element Types text value (default), size, maxlength radio value (value), checked checkbox value (value), checked submit value (button text) reset value (button text) button value (button text) password value (default), size, maxlength file (value invalid), accept image value (value), src, alt hidden value (default)