The Lion King Lyrics
One by One (Prep to Year 4) ee-bam-BEH-nee Zoh-BOH-nah! DJAH-loh bah-KEE-tee NEEN-gah-DEEN-wah Zoh-BOH NEEN-gah-PEL-lel-wah Gah-MAND-lah! Um-HHLAH-bah wah BAHN-too SEE-yah bah-BOH-nah Gah-zee bah BAHN-too GEH-keh bah-LOON-geh, one by one See-yah ZEED-lah GAH-loh. SEE- zoh- (k)NOH – bah, one by one X2 Koom-NAHN-dee KWEH-lah KEE-theh AFRICA!
The Circle of Life (year 3 – 4 students) Nants see-GON-yah-mad, bah-KEE-tee, bah-BAH SEE-tee WHOO GON-yah-mah Nants see-GON-yah-mad, bah-KEE-tee, bah-BOH GON-yah-mah Een-gon-YAH-mah NEN-gweh nah-mah-BAH-lah Een-gon-YAH-mah NEN-gweh nah-mah-BAH-lah! etc Een-gon-YAH-mah NEN-gweh WEH-meh! etc It’s the circle of life And it moves us all Through despair and hope Through faith an love ’Til we find our place On the path unwinding In the circle The circle of life
I Just Can’t Wait to be King (year 4 students) Hem! Hem! Ha ha ha ha ha! No one saying “do this” No one saying “be there” No one saying “stop that” No one saying “see here” Free to run around all day. Everybody look left Everybody look right Standing in the spotlight Let every creature go for broke and sing Let’s hear it in the herd and on the wing Its gonna be King Simba’s finest fling Oh he just cant wait to be king! Just cant wait… To be king!
He Lives In You (3/4 choir) Een-gon-YA-mah NEN-gweh nah-mah-BAH-la X2 Oh Oh ee-YOH Wait, wait, wait, wait… HEH-lah HEM mah-MEH-lah! He Lives in you He Lives in me He Watches over Everything we see Into the water Into the truth In your reflection He lives in you
Finale (Prep – Yr 4) Boo-sah leh LEEZ-weh boh! Boo-sah LOM-hhlah bah! Boo-san GO TAN-do boh! Oh BOO-sah SEEM-bah YOH! Een-gon-YAH-mah NEN-gweh nah-mah-BAH-lah X2 Till we find our place On the path unwinding In the circle The circle of life Circle of life
Bows He Lives in you He Lives in me He Watches over Everything we see Into the water Into the truth In your reflection He lives in you! HEH-lah HEM mah-MEH-lah! HEH-lah