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Reading Questions
Reading Questions What are scope modifiers (public/private)
Reading Questions What are scope modifiers (public/private) Qualify what can access the name (either inside or outside the class)
Reading Questions What are scope modifiers (public/private) Qualify what can access the name (either inside or outside the class) Now called access modifiers
Reading Questions What are scope modifiers (public/private) Qualify what can access the name (either inside or outside the class) Now called access modifiers private – it is “PB” (private business)
Reading Questions What are scope modifiers (public/private) Qualify what can access the name (either inside or outside the class) Now called access modifiers private – it is “PB” (private business) Can only use it from inside the class it is part of
Reading Questions What are scope modifiers (public/private) Qualify what can access the name (either inside or outside the class) Now called access modifiers private – it is “PB” (private business) Can only use it from inside the class it is part of public – it is “public knowledge”
Reading Questions What are scope modifiers (public/private) Qualify what can access the name (either inside or outside the class) Now called access modifiers private – it is “PB” (private business) Can only use it from inside the class it is part of public – it is “public knowledge” The “general public” (anyone outside the class) can use/change it
Reading Questions What are scope modifiers (public/private) Qualify what can access the name (either inside or outside the class) Now called access modifiers private – it is “PB” (private business) Can only use it from inside the class it is part of public – it is “public knowledge” The “general public” (anyone outside the class) can use/change it Scope exercise…
Reading Questions What are scope modifiers (public/private) Qualify what can access the name (either inside or outside the class) Now called access modifiers private – it is “PB” (private business) Can only use it from inside the class it is part of public – it is “public knowledge” The “general public” (anyone outside the class) can use/change it Scope exercise… Curly braces create a “block” of code
Reading Questions What are scope modifiers (public/private) Qualify what can access the name (either inside or outside the class) Now called access modifiers private – it is “PB” (private business) Can only use it from inside the class it is part of public – it is “public knowledge” The “general public” (anyone outside the class) can use/change it Scope exercise… Curly braces create a “block” of code Scope means “where the name can be used”
Reading Questions What are scope modifiers (public/private) Qualify what can access the name (either inside or outside the class) Now called access modifiers private – it is “PB” (private business) Can only use it from inside the class it is part of public – it is “public knowledge” The “general public” (anyone outside the class) can use/change it Scope exercise… Curly braces create a “block” of code Scope means “where the name can be used” Determined by the curly braces { } that surround it
Reading Questions What are scope modifiers (public/private) Qualify what can access the name (either inside or outside the class) Now called access modifiers private – it is “PB” (private business) Can only use it from inside the class it is part of public – it is “public knowledge” The “general public” (anyone outside the class) can use/change it Scope exercise… Curly braces create a “block” of code Scope means “where the name can be used” Determined by the curly braces { } that surround it Inner blocks have access to stuff in outer blocks’ scope
Reading Questions What are scope modifiers (public/private)
Reading Questions What are scope modifiers (public/private) What are properties (Set/Get)?
Reading Questions What are scope modifiers (public/private) What are properties (Set/Get)? Methods
Reading Questions What are scope modifiers (public/private) What are properties (Set/Get)? Methods The actual code that does the work
Reading Questions What are scope modifiers (public/private) What are properties (Set/Get)? Methods The actual code that does the work Fields
Reading Questions What are scope modifiers (public/private) What are properties (Set/Get)? Methods The actual code that does the work Fields What the book calls “instance variables”
Reading Questions What are scope modifiers (public/private) What are properties (Set/Get)? Methods The actual code that does the work Fields What the book calls “instance variables” The data or information the class uses
Reading Questions What are scope modifiers (public/private) What are properties (Set/Get)? Methods The actual code that does the work Fields What the book calls “instance variables” The data or information the class uses The class variables that any method of the class can use
Reading Questions What are scope modifiers (public/private) What are properties (Set/Get)? Methods The actual code that does the work Fields What the book calls “instance variables” The data or information the class uses The class variables that any method of the class can use Properties
Reading Questions What are scope modifiers (public/private) What are properties (Set/Get)? Methods The actual code that does the work Fields What the book calls “instance variables” The data or information the class uses The class variables that any method of the class can use Properties Sometimes called “smart fields”
Reading Questions What are scope modifiers (public/private) What are properties (Set/Get)? Methods The actual code that does the work Fields What the book calls “instance variables” The data or information the class uses The class variables that any method of the class can use Properties Sometimes called “smart fields” Methods that look like fields…you can use them almost like variables
Reading Questions What are scope modifiers (public/private) What are properties (Set/Get)? Methods The actual code that does the work Fields What the book calls “instance variables” The data or information the class uses The class variables that any method of the class can use Properties Sometimes called “smart fields” Methods that look like fields…you can use them almost like variables They “protect” the class variables (fields)
Reading Questions What are scope modifiers (public/private) What are properties (Set/Get)?
Reading Questions What are scope modifiers (public/private) What are properties (Set/Get)? What is an instance (static and new)?
Reading Questions What are scope modifiers (public/private) What are properties (Set/Get)? What is an instance (static and new)? What are instance variables?
Reading Questions What are scope modifiers (public/private) What are properties (Set/Get)? What is an instance (static and new)? What are instance variables? What are filters?