8th Grade Pre-Registration Pathway to 9th Grade! 8th Grade Pre-Registration
High School vs. Middle School Responsibilities News and Information Student Expectations Attendance Conference Periods Transcript
IRHS News and Information Daily announcements IRHS website Counseling website Parent newsletter Iron Quill Newspaper (Journalism) Facebook IRHS Scholarships and More Twitter follow @IRHSCounseling
Student Expectations Request make-up work when absent You have homework EVERY night! Use a planner for organization Keep syllabi from each class all year No lockers, except PE – use it! Failed required classes must be repeated until passed
Attendance More than 8 absences per semester, teachers may not give you make up work and your grade WILL suffer Communicate with each teacher (e-mail) Check teacher’s websites for information when absent
Conference Periods Wednesdays and Thursdays Considered part of the school day Expected to be with a teacher Free academic assistance offered (T-Th) if more help is needed in the library after school
Transcript Official document of grades Semester grades are listed, not quarter grades Grades are permanent Check student portal to ensure correct information is posted
Course Catalog now online Get to know the layout of the catalog online Student responsibility to read all areas of catalog
IRHS SCHOLARS Program For details regarding this program, see page 9 Pre-AP and AP courses have weighted grades; students must get teacher recommendations for these courses. See course catalog for prerequisites Before enrolling in a Pre-AP or AP course, complete the AP self-assessment (page 10-11)
Scheduling Information & Schedule changes General information on pages 12-14 Choose classes wisely! Students are STRONGLY reminded to remember the year- long commitment they are making to those classes Schedule change considerations are important to note!
Level Changes Page 13 If students experience difficulty with placement in rigorous curriculum of particular class, parents and students will work with the teacher toward improvement Only 7 days at the beginning of the semester to decide to drop to regular level class (if space allows) Choose courses wisely now and this won’t be a problem
IRHS Graduation Requirements – 22 Credits 9th Grade 10th Grade 11th Grade 12th Grade 1. English 9 1. English 10 1. English 11 1. English 12 2. Algebra I 2. Geometry 2. Math - 2. Government / Economics 3. Biology 3. Physics 3. Science - 3. Math 4. World History (A-L) 4. World History (M-Z) 4. US/AZ History 4. 5. P.E. 5. 6. Summer prior to 9th grade Summer prior to 10th grade Summer prior to 11th grade Summer prior to 12th grade IRHS Graduation Requirements – 22 Credits Required Courses 16 credits Sem 1 2 Electives 6 credits English 9 English 10 English 11 English 12 Math Science World History US/AZ History Gov / Economics Physical Education **CTE or **Fine Arts 16 Core Classes for College (GPA) English 9 _____ _____ English 10 _____ _____ English 11 _____ _____ English 12 _____ _____ Math _____ _____ Science _____ _____ Fine Arts _____ _____ Foreign Language _____ _____ Social Studies _____ _____ Unweighted Grades A = 4 B = 3 C = 2 D = 1 F = 0 ** Indicates an in-state college requirement options
Course Request Form Review teacher recommendations Determine the correct number of accelerated classes for YOU! Student may choose to take regular class instead of accelerated, so be realistic when choosing
ENGLISH English 9 (ENG009) Pre-AP English 9 (ENG016) RR English 9 English 9 (ENG009) Pre-AP English 9 (ENG016) RR English 9 (ENG001) (by placement only) MATH Algebra I (MTH002) Geometry (MTH012) Adv Geometry (MTH013) Intermediate Algebra (MTH010) Algebra II (MTH003) Adv Algebra II (MTH004) Pre-Calculus (MTH014) RR Pre-Algebra (MTH022) RR Algebra I (MTH020) RR Geometry (MTH021) SCIENCE Biology (SCI001) Pre-AP Biology (SCI016) RR Biology (SCI005) RR Integrated Science (SCI026) SOCIAL STUDIES World History (SOC005) Pre-AP Global Studies (SOC014) RR World History (SOC023) PE Aerobics (PYS001) Basketball (PYS008) Sports Conditioning (PYS012) Tennis (PYS016) Total Body Fitness (PYS007) Volleyball (PYS025) Weight Training (PYS021) MODERN LANGUAGES French I (MLG001) Spanish I (MLG009) Spanish II (MLG010) (by recommendation only) Spanish III (MLG011) FINE ARTS Introduction to Guitar (MUS010) (own guitar needed) Concert Choir (MUS015) Show/Beginning Choir (MUS005) FINE ARTS (CONT.) Marching Band (MUS022) (fall sem only) (1st hour) ## Wind Ensemble (MUS009) (spring sem only) Band Auxiliary (MUS013) ## Percussion (MUS018) ## Jazz Combo (MUS023) ## Concert Orchestra (MUS016) Symphonic Band (MUS017) (## Must play an instrument) Music Theory (MUS002) AP Music Theory (MUS012) Music Theater (MUS029) Intro to Theatre (MUS003) Intro Art 2D (sem) (ART001) Intro Art 3D (sem) (ART004) FINE ART/ CAREER/TECH ED Digital Media (CTS150) Computer Applications & Cyber Security (CTS180) Culinary Arts I (CTS112) Music and Audio Production (MUS028) Tech Theater I (CTS170) OTHER ELECTIVES Journalism (MSC020) Global Studies I/II (SOC012/SOC013) JROTC (6:00 a.m.) @ Flowing Wells H.S. (MSC023) (Two period class; offered 1st and 2nd period) Student Government (MSC028) (by application only) RR Study Skills (SPC009)
Freshman Courses Required courses English Biology Math World History (A-L) Physical Education Electives Choose one/two Either a year long class or two semester classes Check Prerequisites
Alternate Electives Must have four different choices No repeats Choose another PE choice Choose and write down four alternate elective choices
IRHS Open House Monday, March 11th 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Begins with an informational meeting PROMPTLY at 6:00 p.m. in the auditorium Self-guided tour Talk to department members about your class choices Visit with club members and other activities on campus No forms will be collected that evening Write questions down to ask department members before you attend open house
Online Pre-Registration Wednesday, March 14th - during this class period! Please make sure that you bring your completed signed course request form Counselors will be here to assist you with entering the courses into the computer
Thank you for your attention! Course catalog Questions? Thank you for your attention! Course catalog