Chapters 7-8 Vocabulary
Chapter 7- Sam Tin-Lizzie (n.) tin-liz-ee a very basic, cheap, old automobile. A car similar to a Model A Ford.
Chapter 8 - Brothers and Sisters Denizen (n.) den-eh-zen Inhabitant or occupant of a particular place Wield (v.) weel-d to hold and use Benevolent (adj.) be-nev-o-lent well meaning and kind
Chapter 8- Brothers and Sisters Pillage (n.) pil-ij the action of robbing a place or property Extol (v.) ik-stohl to praise enthusiastically Peripheral (adj.) puh-rif-er-al on the edges
Chapter 8 contin. Jim Crow (n.) laws and customs that discriminated against blacks Protagonist (n.) proh-tag-uh-nist main or leading character in a struggle/drama Dilapidated (adj.) dih-lap-i-day-tid In a state of disrepair or ruin as a result of age or neglect