Leaning on the Everlasting Vine John 15:1 – 11 Terry M. Smoak
Jesus expects His disciples to ____________. LEANING ON THE EVERLASTING VINE John 15:2, 4 – 5, 8 Jesus expects His disciples to ____________. bear fruit
*The fruit bearing branch is _________. LEANING ON THE EVERLASTING VINE John 15:2, 4 – 5, 8 *The fruit bearing branch is _________. *The unfruitful branch is __________. *The fruit bearing branch __________ the Father. pruned removed glorifies
Jesus admonishes His disciples to ____________________. LEANING ON THE EVERLASTING VINE John 15:4 – 7 Jesus admonishes His disciples to ____________________. depend upon Him
LEANING ON THE EVERLASTING VINE *Abiding – the source of our… John 15:4 – 7 *Abiding – the source of our… ____________. __________. ________________. strength service satisfaction
Jesus promises His disciples a ___________________. LEANING ON THE EVERLASTING VINE John 15:7, 11 Jesus promises His disciples a ___________________. life of fulfillment
*Fulfillment in experiencing ____________. LEANING ON THE EVERLASTING VINE John 15:4 – 7 *Fulfillment in experiencing ____________. *Fulfillment in experiencing ___________. God’s love God’s joy
His disciples to bear fruit. -Jesus admonishes LEANING ON THE EVERLASTING VINE John 15:7, 11 -Jesus expects His disciples to bear fruit. -Jesus admonishes His disciples to depend on Him. -Jesus promises His disciples a life of fulfillment.