Connecting your students with Higher Education FREE Higher Education activities and resources for schools and colleges
You are going to watch a video called “You’ve Got Your Results: Now What?” Click here to watch the Video
Now your teacher will click on a task for you to complete Quiz Key Terms Flow Chart Be prepared!
Turn to Resource 4.1 Complete the quiz in pairs or teams. You may need to watch the video more than once!
Turn to Resource 4.2 With a partner, write a definition of the key terms mentioned in the video You might need to watch the video more than once!
Who would you ask if you were worried about a UCAS related problem? Turn to Resource 4.3 Use the information from the video to fill in the flow chart to show what happens after results day. You might need to watch the video more than once! Who would you ask if you were worried about a UCAS related problem?
Why do you think the clearing vacancy list changes quickly? Turn to Resource 4.4 Imagine you have not achieved your predicted grades and you need to apply for clearing. Make an emergency plan now for universities and courses you would consider if the worst was to happen.