Mark 5:1-20 Matthew 8:28-34 Luke 8:29-36
Biblical Truth 1: Spiritual Warfare is Real
The Mark passage says “unclean spirit” in the Greek The Mark passage says “unclean spirit” in the Greek. We could say that this was a mental illness. Others have said that. 2 Errors: Assume every problem is demonic or Assume no problem is demonic. There is evidence of mental illness in this man. He was injuring himself. That is a therapists call this Non-Suicidal Self Injury. I don’t think its an either or type situation. However, the Matthew passage says that this person was “demonized.” The man, who might have seen Jesus as a Rabbi, would have no way of knowing Jesus was the son of the most hight God.
Biblical Truth 2: Spiritual Warfare Affects the Unbelievers Possession is possible.
Biblical Truth 3: Spiritual Warfare Affects the Believers . . . differently
How we are attacked: Temptation - 1 Thes. 3:5 Deception - John 8:44, Rev. 12:9 Accusation - Rev. 12:10
Biblical Truth 4: Spiritual Warfare Is ALWAYS WON BY JESUS The demon’s response is quite telling. It doesn’t want to be sent to the pit. How bad is hell if the demons don’t want to go there.