Discussion of the Draft Questionnaire IMPRESS Kick-off Meeting 23 October 2001, Brussels Isobel Austin/Dave Foster Environment Agency Water Framework Directive Team
Aims of the Questionnaire Overview of current best practice: significant anthropogenic pressures methodologies/tools to assess potential impacts methodologies/tools to fill gaps
Discussion Points Is the content right? are the right questions asked? too little or too much information? how will the output be used?
Are the right questions asked? What are pressures? (categorisation) What is ‘significance’? Scale implications Baseline and trends Sources of data and information Estimating impacts (single pressure and overall) What tools are available?
Summary of Draft Questionnaire S1: Pressures on water bodies - 1.1 Info availability in 2004 and 2013 (categories and tools) - 1.2 Further categorisation of pressures S2: Impacts on water bodies - methodologies and tools S3: Definition of “significant” pressures - existing criteria S4:Guidance on “analysis of pressures and impacts”
Emerging issues not covered Scale implications Baseline and trends estimating impacts
Other issues Too little or too much detail? How will the information be used? - links with issues groups - timescale for return. December 2001. Who will fill out the questionnaire? - practitioners - need practical information and views
Conclusions Content Detail of information required Who will complete the questionnaire How will the output be used