Micro Photometers & Spectral Sensors for the NeSSI Platform John Coates Coates Consulting IFPAC 2006 NeSSI Update
Micro Photometers and Micro- Spectral Sensors A new way of viewing process monitoring… a paradigm shift (need a new term)? Low cost and multi-point monitoring (smart valves?) Not a replacement for instrumentation…but a major enhancement Micro Photometers Multi-channel…multi-component Delta composition monitoring Micro Spectral Sensors Full spectral representation Flexible and programmable devices Concentration and composition monitoring Delta composition monitoring
Multi-Channel Photometric Sensor (Absorption & RI)
Modeling the Photometric Sensor
Example: Binary Mixture Analysis
Implementation Spectral Sensing: On-line NeSSI-based Systems Integrated Spectral Sensing Module Example Format: IntraFlow
Spectral Engine…How it Works Spectral selective sensing on a chip Color Sensor Full Spectral Sensor Integration of chip with all functional components Light Source Sample Interface (Cell) Electronics Micro-electronics with embedded intelligence and communications Correlates to Spectral Data Example Spectrum Spectrometer Function Chip Scale Spectral Devices Full Spectral Color
P-1 P-2 Display (Portable) Serial (485), Wireless CAN-BUS + Link to Predictive- Adaptive Controller P-1 – Example… a PIC (Micro-Chips) for acquisition and data formatting P-2 – PIC or DSP for data extraction, numerical computation Continuously Variable Spectral Sensor Array Mosaic Sensor Array Example electronics …Automotive Rated Specifications Overview of Electronics and Data Handling with Spectral Sensors
NIR System: Application to Chemicals
Monitoring Blending and Distillation Processes: Deviations and Composition
Applications: Refinery, Plant and Beyond… Conversions, distillations, blending…and more Fuel distribution – pipelines, distribution centers, etc. Smart burners…evaluation of fuel efficiency for boilers with feedback Regulatory applications…validation of fuels at the pump…state inspectors Solvent characterization Solvent recovery systems…including solvent recovery boilers Multiple point monitoring…cost effective
Spectral Sensor: Application to Beverages
Monitoring Fermentations and Distillations
Implementation of an On-Line Reagent Integration System
On-Line Implementation of Micro-Spectral Sensing System with Reagent Chemistries Micro-Dispensing Reagents On-Line Calibration & Validation Spectral Sensor
Example Spectral Analysis with Reagents: Free Chlorine Content in Drinking Water
Applications: Water Distribution, Processing and Waste Management, Etc… Water purification and distribution On-site testing at public buildings…including schools and hospitals Monitoring for chlorine and other standard parameters, heavy metals, specific toxins, etc. Water waste management…testing for known materials…heavy metals, etc. Metal working facilities Electroplating…heavy metals Run-off from plants Cooling towers…water conditioning Monitoring inhibitors Environmental Monitoring Lakes, rivers, streams…watersheds, etc.