TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT CODE: BPT 3613 TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT Ahmad bin Othman, PhD 019-9816491 20 April 2019 BPT3613
TOPICS TO BE COVERED TODAY (22/2/2011) Technology assessment process Performance measurement tools 20 April 2019 BPT3613
By the end of this lesson, you should be able to: Learning Outcomes: By the end of this lesson, you should be able to: Explain Technology assessment process Understand Performance measurement tools 20 April 2019 BPT3613
A Bit of History about Technology Assessment Began in USA during 1950s and 1960s Why? US Congress demands for financial and other supports for technology innovations, for legislation controlling undesirable effects of technology demands for control of technology – introduced technology policy established Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) in 1972 20 April 2019 BPT3613
Understanding of Technology Assessment (TA) What is Technology Assessment? “A systematic attempt to foresee the consequences of introducing a particular technology in all spheres it is likely to interact with.” (Braun, 1998) 20 April 2019 BPT3613
Understanding of Technology Assessment (TA) The essential meaning of TA is that making technological choices should be preceded by a thorough analysis of all the consequences the choice might have. 20 April 2019 BPT3613
Understanding of Technology Assessment (TA) What is Technology Audit? “Technology audit is an analysis performed to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the technological assets on an organisation. It aims to assess the firm’s position in technology in relation to its competitors and the state of the art.” (Tarek Khalil, 2000) 20 April 2019 BPT3613
S BASIC METHODOLOGY FOR TA FIRST ITEM Questions to answered what is to be the topic? the scope? the time horizon? S 20 April 2019 BPT3613
T BASIC METHODOLOGY FOR TA SECOND ITEM Questions to answered what is the technology we are talking about? how does it fit into the technological system? how is it likely to develop? T 20 April 2019 BPT3613
I BASIC METHODOLOGY FOR TA THIRD ITEM Questions to answered What benefits can be expected from the technology? to whole will they acrue? I 20 April 2019 BPT3613
I BASIC METHODOLOGY FOR TA FOURTH ITEM Questions to answered what dangers does the technology harbour? what ill-effects might it course? I 20 April 2019 BPT3613
P BASIC METHODOLOGY FOR TA FIFTH ITEM Questions to answered what support of control might be needed for the technology? what options are available for providing them? P 20 April 2019 BPT3613
Scope Technology Impact Policy I S T P 20 April 2019 BPT3613
Understanding of Technology Assessment (TA) TA teams – characteristics Assessment can be carried out by small teams of expert assessors aided by advice from experts in the relevant fields of knowledge Attempt to be as objective and as truthful as possible Collect a full range of available sources provide a reasonable approximation to objectivity must be free of fear willing and able to say what they see as the truth be an inquisitive independent mind and of a sceptical disposition weighing up all evidence carefully to obtain a true balance. 20 April 2019 BPT3613
Understanding of Technology Assessment (TA) Technology assessment process Technology assessment involves iterative/repetitive cycles of planning, gathering data, and reporting. It is best to plan the assessment at the same time that the technology introduction is being coordinated, so that you can take necessary steps such as collection of baseline data. All program assessments follow a planning, gathering data and reporting results process consisting of the following nine steps: 20 April 2019 BPT3613
TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT PROCESS Planning TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT PROCESS PLANNING STEP 1 Describe the technology and context Describe the technology to be used in terms of its function or purpose, expected effects, and resources needed. interest and concern to legislations, political agenda (public support) Q – what is to be the topic, the scope and the time horizon of the technology assessment to be undertaken? 20 April 2019 BPT3613
Identify stakeholders and their needs STEP 3 Determine the assessment purpose Identifying a clear purpose helps determine how to conduct the assessment. Three general purposes for instructional assessments are to gain insight, change practices, and/or measure effects. Gain Insight - to clarify how instructional activities should be designed to bring about expected changes. Change Practice - to improve the quality, effectiveness, or efficiency of instructional technology. Measure Effects – to examine the relationship between instructional technology, teaching and learning STEP 2 Identify stakeholders and their needs Stakeholders are the individuals and organizations involved in developing and supporting the technology, those served or affected by the technology, and the intended users of the assessment. The needs of stakeholders generally reflect the central questions the stakeholders have about the technology. Determining stakeholder needs helps to focus the assessment process so that the results are of the greatest utility. 20 April 2019 BPT3613
Determine the assessment purpose STEP 3 Determine the assessment purpose Identifying a clear purpose helps determine how to conduct the assessment. Three general purposes for instructional assessments are to gain insight, change practices, and/or measure effects. Gain Insight - to clarify how instructional activities should be designed to bring about expected changes. Change Practice - to improve the quality, effectiveness, or efficiency of instructional technology. Measure Effects – to examine the relationship between instructional technology, teaching and learning STEP 3 Determine the assessment purpose Identifying a clear purpose helps determine how to conduct the assessment. Three general purposes for instructional assessments are to gain insight, change practices, and/or measure effects. Gain Insight - to clarify how instructional activities should be designed to bring about expected changes. Change Practice - to improve the quality, effectiveness, or efficiency of instructional technology. Measure Effects – to examine the relationship between instructional technology, teaching and learning STEP 3 Determine the assessment purpose Identifying a clear purpose helps determine how to conduct the assessment. Three general purposes for instructional assessments are to gain insight, change practices, and/or measure effects. Gain Insight - to clarify how instructional activities should be designed to bring about expected changes. Change Practice - to improve the quality, effectiveness, or efficiency of instructional technology. Measure Effects – to examine the relationship between instructional technology, teaching and learning STEP 3 Determine the assessment purpose Identifying a clear purpose helps determine how to conduct the assessment. Three general purposes for instructional assessments are to gain insight, change practices, and/or measure effects. Gain Insight - to clarify how instructional activities should be designed to bring about expected changes. Change Practice - to improve the quality, effectiveness, or efficiency of instructional technology. Measure Effects – to examine the relationship between instructional technology, teaching and learning STEP 3 Determine the assessment purpose Identifying a clear purpose helps determine how to conduct the assessment. Three general purposes for assessments are to gain insight, change practices, and/or measure effects. Gain Insight - to clarify how technology should be designed to bring about expected changes. Change Practice - to improve the quality, effectiveness, or efficiency of technology. Measure Effects – to examine the relationship between technology and operation 20 April 2019 BPT3613
Identify intended uses STEP 4 Identify intended uses Intended uses are the specific ways assessment results will be applied. They are the underlying goals of the assessment and are linked to the central questions of the study. 20 April 2019 BPT3613
Create an assessment plan STEP 5 Create an assessment plan The assessment plan is a detailed description of how the assessment will be implemented that includes identification of the resources available for implementing the plan, what information is to be gathered, the research method(s) to be used, a description of the roles and responsibilities of the stakeholders, instructor and/or assessor and a timeline for accomplishing tasks. [more] 20 April 2019 BPT3613
GATHERING DATYA STEP 6 Gather data Data gathering focuses on information acquisition that will convey a well-rounded picture of the technology Data gathering includes consideration about what indicators, data sources and methods to use, the quality and quantity of the information, human subject protections, and the context in which the data gathering occurs. [more] 20 April 2019 BPT3613
REPORTING RESULTS STEP 7 Analyze data Data analysis involves identifying patterns in the data, either by isolating important findings (analysis) or by combining sources of information to reach a larger understanding (synthesis), and making decisions about how to organize, classify, interrelate, compare, and display information. These decisions are guided by the questions being asked, the types of data available, and input from stakeholders 20 April 2019 BPT3613
Make conclusions and recommendations STEP 8 Make conclusions and recommendations Conclusions are linked to the evidence gathered and judged against agreed-upon standards set by stakeholders. Recommendations are actions for consideration that are based on conclusions but go beyond simple judgments about efficacy or interpretation of the evidence gathered. 20 April 2019 BPT3613
STEP 9 Report results Factors to consider when reporting results, or dissemination, include tailoring a report content for the audience, explaining the focus of the study and its limitations, and listing both the strengths and weaknesses of the technology. 20 April 2019 BPT3613
Performance measurement tools 20 April 2019 BPT3613
THANK YOU 20 April 2019 BPT3613