Unlocking Freedom through Adult Education Output 2 Activities, process and results Leading partners: ICSS Bulgaria and Stewarts Care Ireland -
Output 2 Training programme (delivered through train the trainer) and manual for Independent living skills Aim: To design a learner centred training programme and manual to enhance basic independent living skills of people with disabilities transitioning to community living according to their needs and interests Description: The whole process of development of training programme aimed at development and enhancing of independent living skills of people with disabilities conducted through: Research of training materials Design of training programme Adaptation of texts, methods, insturuments Implementation of training Evaluation of the results
Output 2 - April 2016 to June 2017 Timeframe Phases and activities Step 1: Revision of the partners training tools and practices for adult learning Step 2: 5-day training programme development, adaptation and design based on good practices review and the training needs assessment Step 3: Design of Train the trainer programme Step 4: Train the trainer implementation Step 5: Test independent living training programme and manual Step 6: Dissemination and evaluation. Timeframe April-mid May 2016 May-September 2016 Oct-mid Nov 2016 Nov 2016 (Bulgaria) Feb 2017 (Ireland) March/April 2017 May/June 2017
Phase 1: Revision of the partners training tools and practices for adult learning May – September 2016 Revision of the partners training tools and practices for adult learning aimed at independent living skills of people with disabilities Decision about the important aspects which will be incorporated in the training programme for learners in Bulgaria and Ireland (based on the results of the training needs assessment – O1) Translation of the training programme (BG, EN - if necessary) Discussion of the training programme during transnational meeting in Finland (May 2016), skype conferences (July-September 2016), e-mails
Phase 2: Manual and 5-day training programme development September 2016 List of important topics identified through the training needs assessment and good practices review Design of the 5-day training programme as: training themes training methods and materials training process logistics, place, training hall specific issues related with the trainees and their resources and the trainers with disabilities other?
Phase 3: Design of Train the trainer programme - Oct-mid Nov 2016 Selection of the persons with disabilities to be trained as trainers (transparent method of selection) Meeting of the trainers team (2 trainers with a disability and 2 adult educators without disability) Design of a 3 day train the trainer programme together with the trainers team (themes, methods, process) Development of the training materials and manual
Phase 4: Train the trainer implementation Conducting 3-day training for trainer teams: - in Bulgaria – 14-16.11. 2016 in Ireland - Jan/Feb 2017 Study group observation of the training and sharing feedback on the methodology during the workshops in Bulgaria and Ireland Follow up activities for reflection and training planning
Phase 5: Test independent living training programme and manual - March/April 2017 Selection of training participants (12 in each country) – people with disabilities in transition from institutional care to community or living in the community, other criteria (motivation, etc.) Planning the process of training (as a whole week or as 2-3 separated day-sessions) Conducting the 5-day training programme to selected participants in Bulgaria and Ireland Feedback and analyses with the participation of trainees, trainers, project team representatives, etc. at the end of the training Conduct second evaluation after 3 months using the same tool to monitor the progress
Phase 6: Dissemination and evaluation - May/June 2017 Training evaluation (impact analyses on the target groups) All resources are shared with the partners All resources will be loaded on the E-Platform Transnational meetings Multiplier events