Primary Medical Care Advisory Team LocumPak Dr Helen Kemp Primary Medical Care Advisory Team NPHS Website: Who am I What do I do in NPHS – 2 sessions/week Since March 2008 Work as GP partner 5 sessions/week New to Wales Worked as sessional GP for 18 months
Public Health in Primary Care Mission statement NPHS “to make a unique expert contribution to the protection and improvement of the health and wellbeing of the people of Wales, through the delivery of high quality, accessible and appropriate specialist public health services” Delivery Interface with primary care 95% patient consultations occur in primary care No point developing a service if people don’t know about it Getting the message across How can we engage with primary care?
LocumPak collaborators PMCAT Assist the development of the primary care public health agenda and the wider clinical governance agenda Primary Care Quality Information Service Clinical Governance Practice Self Assessment Toolkit Deanery Clinical Governance for Sessional GPs 1 of 5 aims within the PMCAT aims
What is LocumPak? A website tool to disseminate information for: Sessional GPs Practices Any organisation involved in the delivery of information to primary care clinicians Especially locum GPs Interface with primary care Central resource area – no nhs address needed BSC and Appraisal tie - in Engagement and collaboration
LocumPak (the locum resource directory) Internet site Pools resources Supports sharing of information One website accessible from home or office Aimed specifically at the needs of sessional GPs Partnership working Encourages sharing of information with sessional GPs Public health delivery Clinical governance Show website
PrakPak (the practice resource directory) Secure practice intranet site Accessible from home or work Allows sharing of organisational information specific to practices Allows sharing of information specific to locality Supports clinical governance for sessional GPs
Where are we now ? Draft website development and evolution Feedback welcome Pilot site anticipated early 2009 Development of team structure (central and locality based) Interested practice applications and training mid-2009 Dependant on funding Bristol Online Surveys
Public Health in Primary Care Mission statement NPHS “to make a unique expert contribution to the protection and improvement of the health and wellbeing of the people of Wales, through the delivery of high quality, accessible and appropriate specialist public health services” Protection – ensure that urgent public health information is cascaded to all primary care clinicians including locums – discuss E. Coli outbreak Improvement – enable sessional GPs to access local information on public health initiatives and processes Delivery/accessibility – issue with sessional GPs accessing intranet sites so much of this information is difficult to find. Scenenarios – new to locality/new to General Practice/ new to surgery – service quality issues, Support integration of public health in primary care Communication and integration/partnership working
Public Health in Primary Care Health Promotion Health Protection Health Improvement Engagement Collaboration Delivery
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