Revision guidance and schemas WFD Reporting


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Presentation transcript:

Revision guidance and schemas WFD Reporting J. Delsalle (DG ENV.C1) 1st Meeting of the Working Group Data & Information Sharing (WG-DIS) of WFD-CIS 10/10/2013

Where are we now? RBMP RBMP RBMP RBMP EC Assessment reports Concept paper for RBMP assessment No full link with other EEA db (waterbase) Reporting guidance and sheets Tables and maps Need for clearer definition of requirements and scope for streamlining Lack of flexible tool to perform queries and design adhoc maps Limited harmonisation schemas WFD Master db WFD Master db EC Assessment reports RBMP Room for clarification, simplification, INSPIRE compliance RBMP Shape files RBMP assessment db RBMP assessment db xml RBMP Member states RBMP RBMP pdf Additional information Poor and expensive contribution to reports MS/RBD websites No proper indexation of files, common structure missing Common Data Repository (CDR) Costly and ineffective process for analysis and comparison

principles for the revision of reporting schemes as agreed by Water Directors in Dublin in May 2013: To clearly define the requirements, specifying exactly the data and information needed to be reported, on the basis of the requirements of the WFD and additional agreements approved by the water directors. To explore possibilities for additional information based on an identification of the outputs linked to compliance checking, EU-wide assessments and benchmarking (see section 2.1 above) To keep the main lines of reporting to be able to keep track of the progress. To simplify the schemas as much as possible. The limit and focus the changes made to the reporting sheets To harmonize the reporting scales.

In practice… The issue of the scale reporting needs to be assessed on the basis of a clear picture of products and data/information needs. In any case, agreement on aggregation rules is needed. Electronic reporting should be focused on data + identification where detailed information on methodology can be found in the report. All necessary background documents would be stored on CDR This simplification / improvement of the contents requires consultation/implication of other CIS working groups. It is important to distinguish data/information required by the WFD for the compliance checking (mandatory) with the directive and additional data/information useful for needs of other European assessments of for benchmarking between Member States The revised guidance should include strengthened documentation of the data model, codification of nomenclatures (parameters, impacts, pressures, ..), coherence between types of data in the database and the expected formats for the xml validation. Tackle of new reporting obligations emerging in the 2nd cycle: priority substances inventory of emissions, application of article 11(5), GWD (tbc)...

Short-term improvements (for 2nd cycle) Lessons learned from RBMP assessment and bilateral meetings WISE Waterbase Revised reporting guidance /sheets Shape files Tables and maps schemas WFD Master db EC Assessment reports RBMP RBMP Key Questions Table of Content xml RBMP assessment db RBMP Member states RBMP In-depth analysis RBMP pdf MS/RBD websites WISE

Schemas Common Schema elements (WFDCommon): supplies elements common to all schemas such as code lists and enumeration lists; Administrative arrangements (RBDSUCA); Surface Water Bodies (SWB); Groundwater Bodies (GWB); Register of Protected Areas (ProtArea); Surface Water Methodologies (SWMethods); Groundwater Methodologies (GWMethods); River Basin Management Plans and Programmes of Measures (RBMP_POM); Monitoring programmes at RBD level (Monitoring); Surface Water monitoring programmes at site level (SWMonitoring); Groundwater monitoring programmes at site level (GWMonitoring).

Contents Feasibility of assessments across DPSIR Delineation & Characterisation Monitoring and Status HMWB, exemptions Programme of measures, economic analysis & governance

Feasibility of assessments across DPSIR Drivers Pressures  State Impacts Responses RBD / Sub-unit  provide clear link to sectoral activity, land-use/ demographic developments, climate change or variability by aggregation of information at WB level  parameters for significance and threshold Not only environmental impacts, also includes socio-economic parameters (cost inaction, cost/benefits of measures) Based on a common list of types of measures, building on 2012 reporting (key measures) and ensuring a proper articulation of pre-WFD measures Water body n/a Based on a single list of pressures indicating the sector/service causing the pressure Based on a single list of state parameters (QE) Identification of type of measures in case of application of Art 4.

Characterisation, delineation, INSPIRE Data model Common EU-wide map of water bodies, through the convergence of national and EU (ECRINS) reference systems under INSPIRE specifications. At RBD/SU level: Identification of drivers (ref common taxonomy) At WB level: Identification of significant pressures (and indicator used for assessment) + Key questions for assessment…

Monitoring and status (SW and GW) Data model Monitoring: identification/localisation of monitoring stations with key information on the quality elements, the frequency and the linked water bodies Ecological status SW Basic information at water body level on the status/potential overall and for each QE At RDB/Subunit level, the state of development of the assessment methods for ecological status, for each water category, each quality elements and EQS for each RBSP when relevant. Chemical status SW Basic information at water body level on the chemical status enabling the identification of the priority substances causing the failure to achieve good chemical status. Status GW Identification (groups of) GWB in good / poor chemical status. Identification (groups of) GWB at risk of not meeting good chemical status, indication of pollutants/indicators. Identification (groups of) GWB of good chemical status although GW-QS or TV are exceeded at one or more monitoring points. + Key questions for assessment…

HMWB, exemptions Data model + Key questions for assessment… Basic information at water body level on the designation as HMWB/AWB, including identification of the water uses for which they are designated Identification of water bodies for which additional objectives or exemptions under Art 4 have been required, including: The type of exemption and the deadline in case of application of Article 4(4) The impacts and drivers (sectors) that are causing the application of Article 4(4) (later deadline) 4(5) (lower objective) or 4(7) exemptions . Where Article 4(6) is applied, an indication of the types of measures which will be taken to restore the water body to its prior status and prevent further deterioration. In the case of water bodies for which additional objectives are set for protected areas (WFD Article 4(1)c) under Art 7(1) or Annex IV, an indication of the type of additional measures planned to reach the more stringent objectives. + Key questions for assessment…

Programme of Measures, economic analysis & governance Data model (RBD/Sub-Unit level) matrix significant pressures vs. type of measures (based on common typology), indicating the expected effectiveness of the measure in terms of reduction of the pressure, using the same metrics than for the characterisation. Costs by type of measure and cost category (common impact descriptors), indicating the amount for each planning cycle and explaining the financing of the measures (direct contribution from users, general national budget or EU funding). Identification of relevant benefits (common impact descriptors) Simplified economic accounting exercise per main sector (at least households, industry and agriculture), detailing costs (including environmental and resource costs) and revenues (including transfers and subsidies), enabling drawing a clear picture of the degree of cost recovery and the application of polluter-pays principle by main sector, as required by WFD Art 9. +Key questions for assessment…

Next steps All WG are concerned! Modus operandi: Agreement on data needs for compliance checking and further assessments Methodologies: codification available methods, so that reporting refers better to CIS work Common DPSIR taxonomy: a link between Status assessment, PoM and economic analysis Modus operandi: Final version this document with contributions WG-DIS Presentation outcome discussion at SCG 4/11 Sent to other WG for comments in November Workshop core drafting group (3-4 days?) Agreement document with Water Directors Detailed work on schemas and guidance to start on that basis (support contract)

Thank you for your attention! The floor is yours…