Direct Payments Forum Personal Budget Support Framework 7TH March 2017
Facilitators Jan Major, Service Manager, Early Intervention & Prevention Adult Resources Helen Walker, Procurement Manager Sasha Jeffries, Connect to Support Project Officer
Agenda Introductions & Welcome – Jan Major PBS Customer survey feedback – Jan Major Personal Budget Support Framework – Helen Walker Connect to Support- Sasha Jeffries Next steps- Jan Major Discussion & Feedback – all Closing comments – Jan Major
DP Customer feedback
Survey results In excess of 100 responses 63.7% of responders have accessed support from the Personal Budget Support Service at some point since being in receipt of a DP 54.2% people found the service very helpful The support accessed- 87% of DP users required support with set up of a DP 16.9% support to recruit a PA 19.7% support with the brokerage of a DP 35.2% costing a Support plan 32.4% required on-going support with managing a DP 29.6% support to provide supporting information for spend of DP to the pre-paid card portal 57.7% occasionally access support from the service
Survey results contd.... Services people told us they would benefit from in managing their Direct Payment that were not currently provided. . Support with recruitment of PA’s . Ongoing support and advice with being an employer . Dealing with the payroll companies directly . Access to training for their PA’s . Someone to manage the DP on their behalf . Clear information on what people can use their direct payment to purchase
What we have learnt Absence of a service to support individuals who require 3rd party money management . This has impacted on people’s decision to take up the option of a DP Development of the PA market in LBH is required to establish a supply or appropriately skilled workers SU’s require more ongoing support with managing their DP than originally anticipated Administration has been minimised with pre-paid card, but can still be off putting for some residents Continued education/promotion of Direct Payments is required for residents and staff to de-mystify the system and promote benefits of choice and control
Objectives of proposed accredited provider list / framework Provide an opportunity to promote wide range of providers/services to residents Provide choice, control and transparency of pricing for residents Only pay for services/support actually delivered Will reduce gaps in support services available, and encourage increased take up in DP's through provision of a more comprehensive service Enables focused development of the Personal Assistant market Model is scalable based on resident demand
Proposed framework structure
How will the Provider list operate? Qualifying Providers will show an interest in being on the provider list and complete a qualifying application for the services they can provide Approved Providers to register services on Connect to Support The contract and payment will be between the Service User and the Provider The terms of the Provider List and Qualifying Providers will be reviewed annually LBH will support periodic engagement events with providers during the life of the Framework Providers will be invited to hold educational/promotion sessions for staff and service users to promote DP take up
How will the Provider list / framework work for DP Users?
Promoting the PROVIDER LIST with residents Connect to Support Hillingdon Promoting the PROVIDER LIST with residents
Connect to Support – information & advice These information and advice pages would be updated with details of the support available through the framework Links to providers information and advice would be included in this section.
Connect to Support – example store Every provider on the framework would have their own pages, like this example Confirmation that service is part of accredited framework would be included here
Connect to Support – example service Example store – each provider would have a site presence PB support would fit in this category